Table 1. the studies showing the relationship between vitamin D and hair loss.
AGA: androgenetic alopecia; AA: alopecia areata
Publication | Type of study | Year of publication | Number of patients (N=?) | Probability (p=?) | Research question | Conclusion |
Fawzi et al. [20] | Case control study | 2016 | N=20 | P=0.000 | To assess VDRs in the skin and blood of AA and AGA patients. | Serum and tissue VDR were lower in patients with AGA than controls. |
Sanke et al. [21] | Case control study | 2020 | N=50 | P<0.001 | To find a correlation between serum vitamin D levels and the severity of AGA. | Significant correlation between vitamin D deficiency and AGA. |
Kondrakhina et al. [22] | Cross sectional study | 2020 | N=50 | P<0.001 | To estimate plasma element content and vitamin status in patients with AGA. | Multiple micronutrient deficiencies are present in patients with AGA. |
Conic et al. [23] | Author manuscript | 2019 | N=73 | P=0.051 | To evaluate vitamin D status in scarring and non-scarring alopecia. | Serum vitamin D was low in AGA patients. |
Jun Zhao et al. [24] | Case control study | 2020 | N=777 | P=0.0005 | To evaluate the serum vitamin D status in Chinese patients with AGA. | Association between serum 25(OH)D levels and AGA in a Chinese population. |
Sarac et al. [25] | Case control study | 2018 | N=58 | P=0.01 | To determine the role of vitamin D in hair loss | Patients with AGA were vitamin D deficient. |
Danane et al. [26] | Longitudinal Follow up | 2021 | N=50 | P value not defined. | To measure the vitamin D levels in men with premature AGA and to demonstrate its relationship with the severity of the disease. | Significant correlation between vitamin D deficiency and the severity of AGA. |
El-Tahlawy et al. [27] | Case control study | 2021 | N=30 | P=0.02 | To measure serum vitamin D and serum ferritin levels in patients with male pattern hair loss. | Vitamin D was statistically significantly lower in patients with AGA. |
Narang et al. [28] | Prospective study | 2017 | N=22 | P<0.009 | To study the efficacy of calcipotriol lotion 0.005% in AA and correlate its outcome with serum vitamin D levels. | Hair growth was observed to be better in patients with low serum vitamin D levels. |
Nichols et al. [29] | Case series | 2017 | N=10 | For THC: P=0.014 For HMI: P=0.003 | To evaluate the effectiveness of a novel oral supplement containing vitamin D. | This novel supplement may be a useful adjunct in the treatment of AGA. |
Bilke et al. [31] | Animal study | 2006 | N/A | N/A | To evaluate if new hair cycle has started in the VDR null mice. | Lack of VDR causes disruption of hair follicle structure during the first catagen resulting in failure of subsequent hair follicle cycling. |
Mady et al. [33] | Animal study | 2016 | N/A | N/A | The role for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and/or calcium in hair follicle cycling by evaluation of alopecia in calbindin-D9kknockout pups. | In calbindin-D9kknockout pups, a maternal vitamin D-deficient/low-calcium diet leads to transient non-cicatricial alopecia. |