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. 2022 Jan 15;20(2):1275–1294. doi: 10.1007/s10311-021-01356-y

Table 1.

Behaviour, fate processes and removal efficiencies for selected COVID-19 therapeutic drugs in aquatic environments

Compound Aquatic matrix type Contaminant levels Fate process or treatment method Outcome or removal efficiency Half-life References
Azithromycin Municipal wastewater treatment plant 0.12–3.68 µg/L Activated sludge system with nitrification No removal (0%) was observed NR Bhandari et al. (2008)
Azithromycin Simulated municipal wastewater effluent Simulated Photocatalysis using nanostructured TiO2 Successfully removed within 30 min NR Čizmić et al. (2019)
Azithromycin Artificial freshwater Simulated Solar-like light Removal was slow 20 h Tong et al. (2011)
Azithromycin Simulated California river system Simulated Aerobic and anaerobic degradation

Very slow degradation rate under aerobic conditions

No degradation under anaerobic conditions

82.52 days (under aerobic conditions) Vermillion Maier and Tjeerdema (2018)
Chloroquine Simulated membrane reactor 10 g/L Melanin-covered E. coli sorption process 98.2% removal was achieved NR Lindroos et al. (2019)
Chloroquine Wastewater treatment plant (WWTPs) NR Primary biodegradation took weeks to months 63% removal from WWTPs NR Kuroda et al. (2021)
Hydroxychloroquine Wastewater treatment plant (WWTPs) NR Primary biodegradation took weeks to months 6.0% removal from WWTPs NR Kuroda et al. (2021)
Hydroxychloroquine Ultrapure, spring, river, and sea water Simulated Photolysis under solar radiation (300–800 nm)

– pH affects degradation process

– Humic acids, nitrate, and Fe (III) enhanced photodegradation

11.6 h (ultrapure water)

0.42 h (river water)

Dabić et al. (2019)
Dexamethasone Batch laboratory system 5–40 mg/L Batch adsorption using clinoptilolite zeolite Maximum of 78% was removed NR Mohseni et al. (2016)
Indomethacin Batch laboratory system Simulated Ozonation 80% removal rate was achieved NR Zhao et al. (2017)
Indomethacin Batch laboratory system Simulated Thermo-activated persulphate oxidation 85.5% removal rate was achieved NR Li et al. (2018)
Ivermectin Batch laboratory system using real field samples Simulated Natural attenuation in a water/sediment system 31.3% of initially applied ivermectin were transformed < 6 h Prasse et al. (2009)
Ivermectin Simulated water/soil system using field soil samples 500 µg/L Dissipation under aerobic condition at 19.3 °C NR

15.5 days (sandy soil)

11.5 days (clay soil)

Rath et al. (2016)
Ivermectin Simulated water/soil system using field soil samples 500 µg/L Photocatalysis under UV-C and TiO2 98% removed NR Rath et al. (2016)
Ivermectin Outdoor aquatic mesocosm 0–1000 ng/L Concentration in sediment increased and became stable NR 3–5 days (in water) Sanderson et al. (2007)
Ivermectin Field water and sediment samples Simulated using 14C-labelled compounds Dissipation in water/sediment system NR

15 days (in sediment)

2.9 days (in water)

Löffler et al. (2005)
Metformin Wastewater treatment plant Up to 100 µg/L

– Activated carbon and flocculation were least effective

– Ordered chlorination and ozonation were most effective

88–97% removed NR Scheurer et al. (2012)
Oseltamivir River water 50 µg/L Daylight exposure NR 17.8 days Bartels and von Tümpling (2008)

Sewage works

Surface waters

Water/sediment system


– No removal from sewage works

– No degradation in surface waters

– 50% degradation in water/sediment system

100 days in water/sediment system Straub (2009)
Oseltamivir Synthetic influent wastewater NA Simulated activated sludge system 41% removed NR Slater et al. (2011)
Ribavirin Ribavirin medicine wastewater Chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 7000 mg/L Universal broadcast filter anaerobic reactor system 72.8% COD removed NR Jain et al. (2013)
Spironolactone Wastewater 1 mg/L Activated sludge system > 90% removed NR Sulaiman et al. (2015)

NR not reported, NA not applicable