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. 2021 Dec 15;414(3):1259–1278. doi: 10.1007/s00216-021-03762-1

Table 3.

Results of the application of the method to the plasma samples (n = 38). Data are reported as median and 5th and 95th percentiles, along with the number (and percentage) of samples with concentrations greater than or equal to the lower limit of quantitation

Analyte 5th percentile
95th percentile
Samples ≥ LLOQ (percentage)
PFBA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 0.104 3 (8%)
PFPeA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 0 (0%)
PFHxA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 0 (0%)
PFHpA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 0.194 18 (47%)
PFOA 0.952 1.497 3.565 38 (100%)
PFNA 0.274 0.409 0.748 38 (100%)
PFDA 0.106 0.198 0.329 38 (100%)
PFUnDA  < LLOQ 0.139 0.310 29 (76%)
PFDoDA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 0.058 5 (13%)
PFTrDA  < LLOQ 0.031 0.073 27 (71%)
PFTeDA  < LLOQ  <LLOQ  < LLOQ 1 (3%)
PFOSA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 1 (3%)
N-MeFOSAA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 0.050 3 (8%)
N-EtFOSAA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 1 (3%)
PFBS  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 0.086 10 (26%)
PFPeS  < LLOQ 0.029 0.076 28 (74%)
n-PFHxS: linear isomer 0.275 0.580 1.692 38 (100%)
PFHxS: Ʃ branched isomers  < LLOQ 0.035 0.079 35 (92%)
PFHpS  < LLOQ 0.093 0.249 29 (76%)
n-PFOS: linear isomer 1.113 1.909 4.679 38 (100%)
PFOS: Ʃ branched isomers 0.612 1.267 3.279 38 (100%)
PFNS  < LLOQ  <L LOQ  < LLOQ 0 (0%)
PFDS  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 0 (0%)
PFECHS 0.021 0.041 0.135 38 (100%)
4:2-FTSA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LOQ 0 (0%)
6:2 FTSA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LOQ 1 (3%)
8:2 FTSA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LOQ 1 (3%)
HFPO-DA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LOQ 0 (0%)
DONA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LOQ 0 (0%)
cC6O4  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LOQ 1 (3%)
6:2 Cl-PFESA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ 0.020 6 (16%)
8:2 Cl-PFESA  < LLOQ  < LLOQ  < LùLOQ 0 (0%)

For calculation of the median and 5th and 95th percentiles, the non-quantifiable values were replaced with half of the LLOQ. Replacement values were the following: PFBA: 0.039; PFPeA: 0.010; PFHxA: 0.020; PFHpA: 0.020; PFOA: 0.078; PFNA: 0.039; PFDA: 0.039; PFUnDA: 0.039; PFDoDA: 0.020; PFTrDA: 0.010; PFTeDA: 0.010; PFOSA: 0.005; N-MeFOSAA: 0.020; N-EtFOSAA: 0.020; PFBS: 0.018; PFPeS: 0.009; n-PFHxS: 0.058; PFHxS Ʃ branched isomers: 0.006; PFHpS: 0.037; n-PFOS: 0.114; PFOS Ʃ branched isomers: 0.122; PFNS: 0.019; PFDS: 0.010; PFECHS: 0.004; 4:2 FTSA: 0.009; 6:2 FTSA: 0.010; 8:2 FTSA: 0.019; HFPO-DA: 0.010; DONA: 0.009; cC6O4: 0.010; 6:2 Cl-PFESA: 0.009; and 8:2 Cl-PFESA: 0.004 µg/L