Mott insulator, self-doping effect, and possible Kondo coupling in nickelates RNiO2
(A) Sketch of a Mott insulator and a charge transfer insulator. The blue and pink domes stand for the lower and upper Hubbard bands, while the orange one shows the O 2p band, assuming no p-d hybridization.
(B) XES and XAS in the pre-edge region of LaNiO2, roughly reflecting the occupied and unoccupied oxygen PDOS, respectively.
(C) RIXS intensity map of LaNiO2 and NdNiO2. The corresponding XASs are superimposed as a solid black line in each map. The dashed boxes highlight the 0.6 eV features of LaNiO2 and NdNiO2 that are associated with the Ni–La and Ni–Nd hybridizations, respectively. Adapted from Hepting et al.78
(D) Illustration of the effective model on a two-dimensional square lattice of NiO2 plane in RNiO2. The blue ball with an arrow represents the local spin 1/2 on Ni site, which interacts with its neighboring spin by AF coupling J. The yellow ball with an arrow denotes a Nd 5d electron, which couples to Ni spin by the Kondo coupling K, to form a Kondo singlet. Red open circle represents Ni 3d8 configuration, or a holon. The t and t∗ are the hopping integrals of Kondo singlet and holon, respectively. Adapted from Zhang et al.81