Figure 4.
Age, period and cohort effects on CHD mortality by SDI quintiles
(A) Age effects are shown by the fitted longitudinal age curves of mortality (per 100,000 person-years) adjusted for period deviations. (B) Period effects are shown by the relative risk of mortality (mortality rate ratio) and computed as the ratio of age-specific rates from 1990 to 1994 (the referent period) to 2015–2019. (C) Cohort effects are shown by the relative risk of mortality and computed as the ratio of age-specific rates from the 1925 cohort to the 2015 cohort, with the referent cohort set at 1960. The dots and shaded areas denote mortality rates or rate ratios and their corresponding 95% CIs. CHD=congenital heart disease; SDI=Socio-demographic Index.