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. 2022 Jan 15;22:15. doi: 10.1186/s12911-021-01745-x

Table 1.

Interview guide

1. It would be helpful for me to know about the type of practice setting you are working in, and the type of care you provide. Can you please describe that for me? Prompt type of clinic, size, type of patients, how long practicing?
2. Could you walk me through some examples of how you might interact with or use the CDS in a typical day? Prompt: When do you come across the information, when do you use it, not use it? Why? How well do you feel that works?
3. Can you please describe to me where the CDS fits in with your current workflow? Prompt: Did you make any change to make it work, are there changes you would like to see, how might the workflow be better, how does this impact your daily work? Who else in the team do you rely on for it to work?
4. How have patients responded to the use of the Wizard in the patient encounter? Prompts: Would they necessarily be aware you had used the Wizard? Use of patient versions? Does the patient seem to be using the patient handout? Have you been sharing the provider version with patients? Why/why not? Which types of patients can you use it with, why/why not? Has the use of the CDS impacted any patient outcomes that you are aware of? Tell me more about that. What comments have pts said? What parts useful, confusing, missing?
5. Could you tell me about which parts of the Wizard content have you found most useful? Why?
6. Which parts of the Wizard have you found least useful? Why?
 How helpful is the content on treatment recommendations, lab ordering, medication ordering, referrals?
 How helpful is the content on blood pressure, glucose, aspirin, weight, lipids, smoking?
 How helpful is the content on screening for breast, lung, colorectal, and cervical cancers? What about getting HPV vaccinations? Do you trust the content to be accurate, up-to-date, and evidence-based? Why or why not?
 Is there content you would like to see either improved or added to the Wizard? Tell me more about that?
7. Do you use the Wizard’s Active Guidelines for ordering? If not, why not? What would make ordering easier?
8. How has the use of the Wizard influenced your own decision making process during clinical encounters? Can you tell me more about that?
9. How has the use of the Wizard influenced your patients’ conversations with you about cancer and cancer prevention? About prediabetes and cardiovascular disease?
10. I’m curious about how the CDS has impacted you personally in your daily work. Can you describe for me how it has impacted efficiency and/or your experience of your work?
11. Looking ahead to the future, what advice would you share with a new clinic and new providers who are implementing a tool like this? Prompt: what systems are needed? What training is needed?
12. How would you like to see the CDS change in the future to support the health of your patients and support you in caring for your patients? Prompt: Are there problems that need to be fixed? How? What other clinical areas or topics? Lifestyle behaviors? Social determinants of health?