Fig. 4.
Summary of symptoms at presentation. A Summary of patient-specific demographic (top), presentation (middle) and outcome (bottom) features. Each patient is shown as a vertical segment along the x axis. Different features are labelled according to the legend. B Proportion of patients by presenting symptom. C Proportion of patients by number of symptoms at presentation. Of note, 5 patients reportedly had no symptoms at presentation. These are briefly described below. D Distribution of associated symptoms in patients presenting with only 1, 2 or 3 symptoms (from left to right, respectively). The distribution of patients presenting with 4 and 5 + symptoms is shown in Supplementary Fig. 5. E Co-occurrence of clinical characteristics at presentation. Data represented as correlation matrix, where the correlation coefficient (Pearson) between characteristics X and Y is shown on a colour scale ranging from blue (positive correlation) to red (negative correlation). White corresponds to a correlation coefficient of 0. Statistically significant correlations are marked by one or more ‘*’, according to a conventional notation of statistical significance (* < 0.05; ** < 0.01, *** < 0.005). *5 patients had no reported symptoms at presentation: (1) No symptom reported, surgical indication: ‘progressing cyst size’. (2) 4 years old asymptomatic, surgical indication: ‘cyst with partial solid enhancement’; (3) 54 years old asymptomatic, surgical indication: ‘solid posterior part of the cyst’; (4) 29 years old, no symptoms reported, surgical indication: ‘large cyst unspecified symptoms’; (5) 16 years old, presentation data not available, indication for surgery: not available. The figure is available in colour online. Size_mm_12: cyst size > 12 mm; Visual_sx, visual symptoms; Neurology_NOS, neurology not otherwise specified; Resection_extent, cyst resection, as opposed to cyst fenestration; Sleep, sleep disturbances; Pysch_depression, psychiatric symptoms of depression; Other_sx, any of the following symptoms: ‘Cognitive’, ‘Transient_LoC’, ‘Sleep’, ‘Pysch_depression’, ‘Seizure’, ‘Neurology_NOS’, ‘Fatigue’; LoC, loss of consciousness; HA, headache; V, visual symptoms; NV, nausea and vomiting; DV, dizziness and vertigo; P, psychiatric symptoms; F, fatigue; G, gait abnormalities; N, neurology not otherwise specified; Seiz, seizures; S, sleep disturbances