Figure 2.
Accumulation of mitochondrial labile iron (mLI) and mitochondrial ROS (mROS) following Doxycycline (DOX)-induced expression of H114C in cancer cells. A. Quantitative analysis of mLI accumulation in H114C cells upon DOX (2μg/ml)-induced protein expression in Control, CISD2 and H114C cells. Quenching of RPA fluorescence indicates mLI accumulation. B. Quantitative analysis of mROS accumulation in Control, CISD2 and H114C cells, upon DOX (2μg/ml)-induced protein expression. Results in A and B are mean ± SE of N=10 (A), or N=6 (B), biological control averages, each conducted with 3 technical repeats; two-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey test; ns, not significant.