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. 2021 Dec 17;36(1):e24171. doi: 10.1002/jcla.24171


Characteristics of AIS patients and controls

Items Controls (N = 60) AIS patients (N = 120) Statistic (t/χ 2/Z) p value
Demographic characteristics
Age (years), mean ± SD 66.0 ± 7.4 67.7 ± 10.0 −1.296 0.197
Gender, no. (%) 2.131 0.144
Female 24 (40.0) 35 (29.2)
Male 36 (60.0) 85 (70.8)
BMI (kg/m2), mean ± SD 23.9 ± 2.9 23.6 ± 2.2 0.815 0.416
Current smoke, no. (%) 29 (48.3) 51 (42.5) 0.551 0.458
Comorbidities and disease features
Hypertension, no. (%) 44 (73.3) 100 (83.3) 2.500 0.114
Hyperlipidemia, no. (%) 29 (48.3) 56 (46.7) 0.045 0.833
Hyperuricemia, no. (%) 13 (21.7) 49 (40.8) 6.508 0.011
Diabetes mellitus, no. (%) 10 (16.7) 29 (24.2) 1.326 0.250
CKD, no. (%) 8 (13.3) 21 (17.5) 0.514 0.473
No. of risk factors −2.631 0.009
1 0 (0.0) 6 (5.0)
2 49 (81.7) 64 (53.3)
3 9 (15.0) 32 (26.7)
4 2 (3.3) 14 (11.7)
5 0 (0.0) 4 (3.3)
NIHSS score, median (IQR) 9.5 (7.0–12.0)
Inflammatory cytokines
TNF‐α (pg/ml), median (IQR) 85.9 (64.1–115.2)
IL‐6 (pg/ml), median (IQR) 45.7 (35.4–62.4)
IL‐10 (pg/ml), median (IQR) 33.6 (24.4–52.4)
IL‐17A (pg/ml), median (IQR) 86.9 (64.6–128.2)

Abbreviations: AIS, acute ischemic stroke; BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; IL‐10, interleukin‐10; IL‐17A, interleukin 17A; IL‐6, interleukin 6; IQR, interquartile range; NIHSS, National Institute Health of Stroke Scale; SD, standard deviation; TNF‐α, tumor necrosis factor alpha.