Figure 1.
Serum metabolites were significantly changed and correlated with poor clinical outcomes in CHD-NAFLD patients. (A,B) Separation of serum metabolome between patients with CHD-NAFLD and patients with CHD under polar ionic negative mode and polar ionic positive mode, revealed by orthogonal partial least squares discrimination analysis (OPLS-DA). (C) Distinct serum metabolites cluster analysis by Pearson correlation. Red ovals represent metabolic modules that contains metabolites that are enriched in CHD-NAFLDs. Green ovals are metabolic modules that contains metabolites depleted in CHD-NAFLD. (D) Relative abundance and variable importance in projection (VIP) value of several distinct serum metabolites annotated by Human Metabolites Data Base (HMDB). Blue box: relative abundance in CHD group. Red box: relative abundance in CHD-NAFLD group. The bars on the right show enrichment (highlighted in pink) or depletion (highlighted in green) of specific serum metabolites in CHD-NAFLD group when compared with CHD group. The VIP values are also presented. (E) Spearman analysis of the covariant relationship between key metabolome and adverse cardiovascular events. Pink font: serum metabolites enriched in CHD-NAFLD. Green font: serum metabolites depleted in CHD-NAFLD. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.