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. 2022 Jan 3;8:749274. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.749274


Fall detection and human activity recognition.

Reference AI Algorithm Best Achieved accuracy Data Acquisition Task
Chang et al. (2021) HMM with OpenPose Two cameras Fall risk assessment. Evaluation of imbalanced gait
Shioiri et al. (2021) SVM, 79% micro-Doppler radar Classification of gait differences associated with fall risk
CNN 73%
Lu et al. (2021b) SOT, improved accuracy by 6% Public HAR datasets UCI-DSADS, UCI-HAR, USC–HAD, PAMAP2 Cross-domain HAR, utilizing transfer learning from auxiliary labeled data
Mori et al. (2020) NN 11 men, TW, induced disturbances Predict falls caused by an unexpected disturbance in time for CD to deploy
Chelli and Pätzold, (2019) ANN, KNN, QSVM, EBT. fall detection = 100%, false alarms = 0, ARA = 97.7% Wearable sensors Public datasets (Anguita et al., 2013) and (Ojetola et al., 2015) that record falls, near-falls, and 7 ADL ADL recognition. Fall detection
Kondragunta et al. (2019) OpenPose for 2D pose estimation Kinect images and sensor gait data from 250 subjects, 4 times, over 3 years Estimation of Gait Parameters for Elderly Care from 3D Pose
Weiss et al. (2019) RF, DT, KNN with K = 5. EER = 9.3 by RF. RF performs best in most of the sensor combinations 51 subjects, 18 ADL. Smartphones in right pocket and smartwatch on the dominant hand Continuous biometrics authentication and identification on smartphones or smartwatches.
Santoyo-Ramón et al. (2018) SVM, KNN, NB, DT. Error 14.162% by SVM. Inertial sensors. 19 subjects at home, 3 falls and 11 ADL Wearable Fall Detection System
Yang et al. (2018) CSVD-NMF. 96.8% occupancy detection. 90.6% activity recognition WiFi-enabled CSI measurements of 5 ADL Device-Free Occupancy Sensing and activity recognition
Yu et al. (2018) Gaussian HMM. Sensitivity of 0.992. Positive predictive value of 0.981 Own data. 200 fall events and 385 normal activities Fall detection system
Seyfioğlu et al. (2018) DCAE vs. CNN, SVM, AE. micro-Doppler signatures Radar-based activity recognition
Xi et al. (2017) ARA = 97.35% by GK-SVM. FD: sensitivity 98.70% and specificity 98.59% by GK-FDA. 3 subjects, 7 ADL Wireless wearable sEMG sensors Automatic activity recognition and fall detection
Daher et al. (2017) HCM-SFS on fused GRF and accelerometer data. ARA> 90% on all 5 ADL. Force sensors and accelerometers under intelligent tiles. 6 subjects, 5 ADL Fall detection and ADL recognition in independent living senior apartments
Hakim et al. (2017) SVM, NN, DT, DA. 99% by SVM. Smart phone IMU. 8 healthy subjects, 4 fall events, 6 ADL ADL recognition and threshold-based fall detection
Gao et al. (2017) SVM WiFi CSI measurements Device-free wireless localization and activity recognition
Wu et al. (2015a) Sparse BC+RVM. 2 falling, 6 ADL, Spectrograms from continuous-wave radar Radar-based Fall Detection
(Wannenburg and Malekian 2017) KNN, kStar, HMM, SVM, DTC, RF, NB LR, ANN smartphone Activity recognition
Ngo et al. (2015) SVM, KNN inertial sensor Recognition for similar gait action classes
Semwal et al. (2015) k-means and KNN ANN + PCA vision and sensor-based gait data Abnormal gait detection
Ma et al. (2014b) Variable-length PSO+ELM. 91.15% sensitivity, 77.14% specificity, and 86.83% accuracy 10 young subjects, intentionally falling, and 6 ADL Kinect depth camera Shape-based fall detection that is invariant to human translation, rotation, scaling and action length
Özdemir and Barshan, (2014) KNN, LSM Over 99% 14 subjects, 20 falls, 16 ADL, 6 wearable sensors Automated fall detection system
(Mannini and Sabatini, 2012) HMM wireless IMU and an optical motion analysis system Gait phase detection and walking/jogging discrimination

Legend: Quadratic SVM (QSVM), HCM (Histogram Comparison Method), Sequential Forward Selection (SFS), Least squares method (LSM), Gaussian Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis (GK-FDA), Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), Class Estimated Basis Space Singular Value Decomposition (CSVD), Equal Error Rate (EER), Relevance Vector Machine (RVM), Gaussian Kernel SVM (GK-SVM), Substructural Optimal Transport (SOT), Channel State Information (CSI).