Western blot and filter‐trap analysis of a panel of integrin paralogs in stable NSC‐34 cell lines overexpressing PDIA3 or PDIA3
C57Y, or mock control. The cells were transfected with constructs for overexpression of α5‐integrin (α5‐int) fused to GFP, β2‐integrin (β2‐int) fused to YFP, β3‐integrin (β3‐int) fused to YFP, and β5‐integrin (β5‐int) fused to 2xGFP and analyzed under non‐reducing (−DTT, dithiothreitol) or reducing conditions (+DTT). The anti‐GFP antibody detects both GFP and YFP tags. 1, Mock, 2, PDIA3‐V5, and 3, PDIA3
C57Y‐V5. Representative image of three independent experiments. The graph shows quantification of integrin aggregates relative to mock control detected under non‐reducing conditions. Lines connect aggregates quantified in the same experiment. Aggregates from different integrin paralogs were pooled in the statistical analysis using two‐tailed Student's
t‐test. Figure
EV3C shows quantification of aggregates from each integrin paralog separately.