Figure 4.
(A) Schematic indicating the one-pot strategy for extraction of AXT from Haematococcus pluvialis. (B) Comparison between dry and wet techniques by digital camera images: (i) right after the ball milling process, (ii) of the containers wall, and (iii) of the zirconia balls after the process. (C) AXT yield for the control (freeze-dried Haematococcus pluvialis through Soxhlet extraction by acetone without applying ball milling (12 h)), one-pot strategy (up to 20 min), and two-step technique (up to 60 min). (D) Digital camera and SEM images showing the cell debris (i) prior to ball milling, (ii) after the two-step method, and (iii) after the one-pot method. Reprinted with modification from ref (67) with permission from American Chemical Society.