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. 2022 Jan 17;2022(1):CD015029. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD015029
Study ID Study design 1. Are the structural assumptions transparent and justified? 2. Are the structural assumptions reasonable given the overall objective, perspective and scope of the model? 3. Are the input parameters transparent and justified? 4. Are the input parameters reasonable? 5. Has an external validation process been described? 6. Has the model been shown to be externally valid? 7. Has an internal validation process been described? 8. Has the model been shown to be internally valid? 9. Was there an adequate assessment of the effects of uncertainty? 10. Was technical documentation, in sufficient detail to allow (potentially) for replication, made available openly or under agreements that protect intellectual property? Further comments concerning bias and evidence
Alvarez 2020 Compartmental SEIR model with additional states
* Model is extended by mild symptoms, presymptomatic transmission, hospitalised cases, ICU cases and deaths
* Age‐stratification by context‐dependent contact matrices
* Includes contact tracing and symptom‐based isolation
* Models Chilean Population  Yes
Model equations are clearly stated and scheme is visualised;
one of multiple reports with similar methodology, but sufficiently explained in this report (but references to other reports which may contain further justifications);
structure is mostly motivated by intuitive reasoning
No/minor concerns
The model structure as employed is generally sensible
Moderate concerns
Most input parameters are not stated explicitly or explained, but instead with reference to other reports. Not entirely clearly laid out which parameters were used, especially with respect to parameters which have been calibrated;
calibration data have been given with source and also visualised
Major concerns
There are concerns with regards to some important parameters employed, as found in their report #3 (e.g. symptomatic contact rate, relative infectiousness between compartments have been assumed).
Contact matrices are critical
Calibrated predictions to case data and death data and similar data sets
Moderate concerns
Calibrated curve fits the data, but only weak dependent validation as there are only two rather simple data sets independent of each other
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Major concerns
There have been no uncertainty analyses reported;
only analysis for different scenarios
Moderate concerns
Code has not been reported, but replication might be feasible
Aspinall 2020 Bayesian Belief Network (BBN)
*Primary schools in England
*Focus on number of schools with ≥ 1 infection depending on prevalence Partial
There is a justification, however not convincing;
no argument why BBN is appropriate
Moderate concerns
BBN/hazard model cannot track individuals
No/minor concerns
They are transparent and justified rather well
No/minor concerns
Population parameters are known or distributions including uncertainties were assumed
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
Authors refer to a well‐established tool (UNINET)
No/minor concerns
UNINET should be well tested
No/minor concerns
Comprehensive Monte‐Carlo approach, partly expert judgement
No/minor concerns
Comprehensive information, reference to an unpublished programming code file
Baxter 2020 Agent‐based modelling study
* Outcome at population level in Georgia, USA
Only reference to previous publications which do not seem relevant
Moderate concerns
Justification in references seems rather convincing, but based on previous models for influenza
No/minor concerns
Only reference to previous publications which do not seem relevant
Moderate concerns
Justification in references seems rather convincing, but based on previous models for influenza, decline because of missing susceptibles seem unrealistic
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation;
 Decline (it seems to occur because of limited number of susceptibles which is unrealistic.
No internal validation described. However major parts seem to be based on an established framework.
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Major concerns
Not reported
Major concerns
No code, description only via references, it is unclear which parts are from with reference. Unclear how many times model was run. Paper written in the style of a quick tech report
Limited number of susceptibles ≥ unrealistic
Bershteyn 2020 Some kind of simulation model, but not really clear what was done
* Some parts may be purely observational results without use of model, which may be applicable No
Some mathematical model details are scattered around the paper, but the general model structure is mainly unclear
Major concerns
Lack of model structure descriptions justifies major concerns
Major concerns
Input parameters are described every now and then, but their role in the model is mainly unclear
Major concerns
As it is unclear how model parameters are used in the model, there are major concerns to whether they are reasonable.
The secondary attack rate seems to be an important parameter, but unclear how it is used.
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation
Major concerns
No internal validation. Major concerns due to lack of transparency of approach
Major concerns
There are some uncertainty analyses on the simulation parts, but unclear which uncertainties are covered by these analyses
Major concerns
Replication is impossible given the available descriptions
Burns A 2020 Deterministic SEIR‐Modification
* Accounts for cohorts (age groups)
* Investigates symptom‐based isolation strategies
* Time‐dependent infectiousness Partial
Model is roughly justified with reference to previous studies in the same field.
Special properties of this model are justified on base of reasoning.
The exact structure of cohorting is mentioned, but never elucidated in detail.
Relationships of parameters and states might benefit from more visual representations
Major concerns
State equations seem questionable, for example: "Return to isolation" parameter controls flux out of and into isolation.
Although not really mechanistic, model makes a lot of detailed but not well‐founded assumptions which, for example, are based on influenza behaviour; model seems a bit over‐parametrised.
A deterministic model can be problematic in the context of smaller systems like schools with rather small age cohorts, since stochastic effects may become important (superspreading and similar occurrences)
Moderate concerns
There is a table of input parameters with some references to sources and if they were calibrated.
The transparency of input parameter values is of some concern, as not all are clearly stated in the manuscript (e.g. relative contact rate), some with reference to a repository which has not been checked further.
Major concerns
There are major concerns of the validity of inputs as there are a lot of different parameters needed in the model, but their values and their appearance in the model are not always clear.
A 30‐day period of infectiousness for COVID‐19 is at least questionable.
As some inputs have been supposedly calibrated from influenza data, the validity of values is compromised.
Sources and reporting do not award enough credibility to the many input parameters needed for the model.
The authors mentioned "validation", but data were only calibrated.
Major concerns
Description of calibration process and the illustration barely sufficient to establish that calibration is successful
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
There is a hint to some kind of parameter uncertainty analysis, but the details are hidden in a repository which was not accessed, should be reported in document due to its importance;
results have been presented with uncertainty which arises from uncertain parameters
Moderate concerns
There are links to some repositories with reference to data, but it is not entirely clear whether they contain the study code
Campbell 2020b Simple health economic model to calculate the cost of passive and active surveillance testing
* Considers Canadian population
* Comprises a testing scenario for schools Yes
Structural assumptions are mechanistic and well explained
No/minor concerns
The study structure is mostly clear and its assumptions are reasonable;
partial surveillance scenario with some questionable assumptions (e.g. about test frequency and necessity).
Study covers PCR, point‐of‐care tests that are increasingly more relevant
No/minor concerns
Input parameters are all stated with plenty of sources
No/minor concerns
No concerns about validity of input parameters
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
No/minor concerns
Most parameters (especially important ones) have been analysed in one‐way sensitivity analyses and visualised in Tornado Plot
No/minor concerns
Model is well described and some code is given in the appendix
Cohen 2020 Agent‐based model (COVASIM) for COVID‐19 transmission
* Combination with model of school network structure for King County, USA,
* Seven school reopening strategies and three different values for infectious cases in the two weeks prior to school reopening are simulated Partial
Model structure is based on COVASIM which is roughly described.
There is not enough information to understand the school network model
Moderate concerns
Majority of model assumptions seem reasonable;
school network: only qualitative information provided to understand the assumptions;
reference to COVASIM is given, but not enough information is provided concerning COVASIM
Moderate concerns
Parameter values are not stated explicitly but with reference to the methodological paper (COVASIM).
Parameter table would have been helpful, some parameters obtained by calibration
Moderate concerns
In general input parameters seem reasonable, but hard to verify with large Agent‐Based Model. R=0.9 is set as an input parameter before school reopening, explanation: schools reopen after slow decrease in infectivity, variation in this parameter would have been good
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
COVASIM is an established framework;
no internal validation for the student network model
Moderate concerns
Besides the use of COVASIM no internal validation
Moderate concerns
Many assumptions based on COVASIM are not checked by uncertainty analysis;
parametre uncertainties: sensitivity analysis for the infectivity of children, susceptibility of children;
stochastic uncertainty is presented for the effective reproductive number
Major concerns
Code for COVASIM is available, no code for the school network model, replication seems impossible
Curtius 2020 Measurement of the aerosol concentration in two different classrooms:
* first classroom without air purifiers
* second classroom with air purifiers
In order to calculate the risk of onward infection in the two different classrooms and comparison the infection risk model  by Lelieveld 2020 is used as a base for the model Partial
Two parts of the model:
1. model by Lelieveld 2020: model seems reasonable but based on questionable assumptions;
2. measurement of aerosol in the two classrooms: clearly described.
For the modelling part, they just take the model of Lelieveld 2020
Major concerns
Many assumptions based on Lelieveld's model (Lelieveld 2020) but not described in detail; some figures are not comprehensible
Moderate concerns
Input parameters are stated with their respective sources but just one source for almost all parameters, a reduced viral load by the factor ten for children is stated without any source
Moderate concerns
Questionable input parameters, especially parameters concerning the infection risk
Experimental approach in order to assess their assumptions of the particle concentration levels;
no external valdiation for the other part of the model
Moderate concerns
The conducted experiment suggests some external validity for a part of the model
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
Uncertainty of measurement devices of purifiers is given, no sensitivity analysis and no parameter uncertainty analysis
Moderate concerns
No code available, with the data available replication of results seems feasible
It is rather an experimental approach, the modelling part is small and based on references.
Di Domenico 2020a Author description: stochastic discrete age‐structured epidemic model
* In its core, the structure is a bit unclear
* Models possible Ile‐de‐France school opening scenarios from May to summer holidays Partial
Although there are many details about the model described, the core of the utilised mathematical model is seemingly never described explicitly, making assessment of quality difficult.
There seemingly is another paper from the author in which the same approach is utilised, but also complete descriptions are seemingly missing. Quantitative results and methods from other paper are probably used, but mostly not explicitly stated in this context
Moderate concerns
With the available model descriptions and justifications the model seems to make reasonable and justified assumptions.
But as the core model structure is unclear, there is a possible risk of bias as some parts cannot be scrutinised
No/minor concerns
Necessary parameters presumably stated with referenced sources and by a parameter table; some parameters are calibrated.
Contact matrices would have been nice to have in the paper.
Calibration data are not presented in paper, but presumably in other paper.
Moderate concerns
Parameter values are mostly not a direct cause of concern.
Speculation about R value during lockdown phase questionable but probably important.
Due to obscured structure, it is unclear if all inputs are stated.
Model calibration successful for some data, but no true external validation in this paper
Moderate concerns
No true external validation reported
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
Uncertainties and sensitivity analyses of results generally reported.
Sensitivity to parameter values was analysed for the relative infectiousness of young children, effectiveness of case isolation and the expected R value during lockdown.
Stochastic uncertainties have been considered and visualised.
Structural uncertainties presumably not considered and also unclear structure.
Major concerns
Code has not been made available and it might not be possible to replicate results given the descriptions
España 2020 Meta‐population model
* Based on FRED (Framework for Reconstructing Epidemic Dynamics)
* Models population of Indiana
* Adjusted for properties of COVID‐19
* Investigates effects of face‐mask adherence and school operating capacity Yes
Although based on an existing tool, there is a detailed summary of model structure and modifications to account for COVID‐19.
Structural assumptions are mostly reasonable as the model is mechanistic.
Not fully clear how face masks and school operating capacity are incorporated structurally.
No/minor concerns
Overall, model structure is reasonable.
There are some minor concerns due to inexplicit description of incorporation of face mask and school operating capacity effect.
Assuming that community level reproduction number does not change is questionable, but appropriate assumption if only school effect should be assessed.
No/minor concerns
COVID‐19 relevant parameters are described in paper and referenced with sources.
For other parameters FRED is referenced, but they are mostly not explicitly stated.
Data used for calibration is clearly stated and referenced.
No/minor concerns
Stated inputs are mostly reasonable.
Authors make use of age‐dependent susceptibility, may be questionable given the extent of justification and its importance.
Data calibrations are visualised.
Results were validated on serological results of cumulative proportions of infected individuals and also stratified for different age groups.
Moderate concerns
Although there are independent assessments of external validity presented, the extent of validation is still rather small with regards to their quality and their agreement.
Data calibrations were mostly successful within the presented uncertainties, although there are some concerns.
Established tool has been used
Moderate concerns
Authors used an established tool, but no specific internal validation
Moderate concerns
Results were presented with credible intervals in all instances and uncertainty has also been visualised.
However, due to inherent complexity of the model many structural/parameter uncertainties are not considered which raises concerns about the adequateness of presented credible intervals.
Moderate concerns
Study‐specific code has not been made available.
But structure and methods are otherwise described in sufficient detail to possibly replicate results by modifying the base FRED
Germann 2020 Agent‐based community simulation of USA
* Two levels of working, nine levels of schooling
* Some scenarios only for the Chicago region Partial
Major parts of the model structure are taken from literature, however the description is incomplete
No/minor concerns
There are no obvious problematic assumptions, however assumptions not completely listed
Moderate concerns
Information incomplete, no list of all parameters
No/minor concerns
Information incomplete but no obvious problems
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation described. However, major parts are based on an established framework
Moderate concerns
No internal validation described. However, major parts are based on an established framework
Major concerns
No uncertainty analyses performed
Major concerns
No code available, description is incomplete
Gill 2020 Agent‐based model of schools (children + others) and transport of children Yes
No concerns
No/minor concerns
No specific concerns
No/minor concerns
Comprehensive justification
No/minor concerns No
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No external validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation described. However, major parts are based on an established framework.
In addition, the simulation results seem more smooth than expected
Moderate concerns
Some sensitivity analyses conducted. They refer to a previous similar study where robustness has been shown
No/minor concerns
No code available, description is comprehensive
Head 2020 Meta‐population model for San Francisco Bay area
* Especially concerned with effectiveness of school measures
* Describes time‐discrete stochastic transmission dynamics
* Models relations between pairs of individuals by classifying household/school/grade/class/work/community
* Survey to obtain age‐dependent community transmission Yes
Structural assumptions are well described and mostly justified or at least documented
No/minor concerns
Structure is mostly acceptable; stochastic courses of disease rightfully included; force of infection reasonable; assumptions about interventions are acceptable.
Not clear if simulating 1 meta‐individual = 25 real individuals introduces a bias
Moderate concerns
Critical assumption about children susceptibility is well justified by literature.
Other parameters are also stated with sources and in table.
Important parameter "mean transmission rate" not entirely clear in derivation and value has not been stated.
Community contact matrix is not explicitly stated.
Moderate concerns
There are some concerns about the general mean transmission rate and the relative differences between the different transmission classes (work/school/household etc.) as they are critical.
Many intervention effectiveness parameters have just been assumed.
Model has been validated in various instances:
* comparison with case data after interventions
* comparison with seroprevalence data
* household attack rate has been compared to literature
* composition of synthetic population has been validated
Moderate concerns
Although external validation is given, the quality and extent of validation is not sufficient to confidently validate model outputs
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
Uncertainty in the susceptibility of children and the transmission context during the evaluated scenarios has been assessed.
Stochastic uncertainty due to the simulation nature has been assessed by generating 1000 simulation runs.
Uncertainties to results are given but they are quite large.
Still, due to the many parameters and assumptions in the model there are concerns as to how reliable results are.
Major concerns
Code has not been made available but would likely be necessary to replicate analysis due to its complexity
Jones 2020 Poisson regression model
* Models total cases in Florida school districts
* Covariates: prevalence, percent in‐person enrolment, total district enrolment Partial
The structural assumptions are stated transparently, but it has not been well justified (although model is simple); almost no references
No/minor concerns
Model seems mostly reasonable, but choice of Poisson regression could have been better justified.
Results confirm that predictors all have significant impact
No/minor concerns
Many data sets are mentioned, but which data has been used for regression is not entirely clear.
There are references to data repositories.
Major concerns
Besides the minor concerns about the description of employed data, it seems like data for schools with no outbreaks have not been considered. This might introduce  major bias.
By virtue of the model structure, calibration is necessary part of model
Moderate concerns
No rigorous quality of fit measure has been described, but standard errors and significance values for parameters suggest reasonability of structure
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
Regression parameters are given with z‐values, two similar data sets have been used.
No alternative predictors have been assessed
Moderate concerns
Code has not been made available.
Data is supposedly stored in repository and the model is described in sufficient detail to replicate analysis.
Kaiser 2020 Network model: simulating the transmission of COVID‐19 in classrooms:
* dividing each class in two cohorts which are taught separately;
* four different cohorting strategies: 
randomly splitting, splitting by gender, separation optimised by minimising intercohort‐contact out of school, network‐based chains for the out‐of‐school contact as a basis of the separation
Model structure seems reasonable
No/minor concerns
Out‐of‐school interaction of children is based on a different model and seems realistic; information about the mathematical reasoning for the model is missing
No/minor concerns
Sample: 507 classrooms in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden, data for student interaction by a model of 2010/11 (CILS4EU), this data might be outdated; most of the data with reference to literature;
just one source for important parameters Davies 2020 
Moderate concerns
Input parameters seem mostly reasonable, some parameter values are stated through literature, others through theoretical reasoning.
Assumed fraction of high‐risk contacts and reduced infectivity of low‐risk contacts.
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No external validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
No/minor concerns
Stochastic uncertainty: 300 simulations for each classroom were performed and the average result is given, no further evaluation of stochastic uncertainty;
parameter uncertainties are checked for transmission, out‐of‐school interaction and proportion of infections by using different plausible values; uncertainties for parameters concerning the infection are not assessed; structural uncertainties are not assessed but network plausible
Moderate concerns
No code available, description rather comprehensive, replication of model might be difficult
Keeling 2020 Complex SEIR‐based ODE model for UK with:
*fine‐grained age stratification
*school/work/household transmission
*undetected/detected cases
*compliance‐dependent effect on contact matrices Partial
Larger ODE model makes it difficult to examine the complete dynamics, visualisation would have been helpful.
It is not always clear how analyses exactly have been conducted.
There are references to a previous paper with more detailed methodology, but also not perfectly detailed.
No/minor concerns
No direct concerns about specific points.
Generally, an overwhelming amount of implicit assumptions to consider due to complexity of model and some lack of descriptions
Moderate concerns
Sources of data and parameters seem to be mostly stated.
Parameter table is given, mixing matrices and age‐dependent parameters as figures.
Many parameters calibrated from data, but calibration data are not shown and not entirely clear.
No/minor concerns
There are some concerns since it is not clear which data fitting calibrated the parameters (there are some descriptions, but lack of reporting).
There is dependent validation due to model calibration, but there is limited information about how well model is calibrated to data. The model calibration is done in another paper.
Moderate concerns
Calibration in referenced paper by same author
There is some validation by authors reported at the end of paper, but no processes reported
Moderate concerns
No internal validation conducted, but model is complex so it would be necessary to check
Moderate concerns
Uncertainties have been partially reported from parameter posterior distributions, covering stochastic and parameter uncertainties.
However, uncertainty for some parameters seem rather small.
There are some instances in which possibly important values are assumed to be fixed (age‐dependent mixing matrix, effect of lockdown on mixing matrices).
Due to its specific model structure, study would have benefited from an analysis by use of a different model structure
Major concerns
Code has not been made available and the way data that are presented will presumably complicate replication attempts
Kraay 2020 SIR‐based modelling study
*Focus on transmissions via hands and fomite (surface) touching Partial
Stated "previously described" but no reference provided
Moderate concerns
Only deterministic, very simplified structure
No/minor concerns
Mainly justified by influenza and rhinovirus values
Moderate concerns
Partly taken from influenza/rhinovirus
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Major concerns
Sensitivity analysis for only a few parameters
Moderate concerns
No code available, description rather comprehensive
Landeros 2020 SEIR‐based ODE model for the USA
* Three different school opening scenarios: reopening at full capacity, allowing half of the students to attend school, rotating cohort (students are divided into 3 cohorts and 2 of them are allowed to attend school at the same time)
* Effect on the reproduction number (R) and prevalence is simulated under these three possibilities and compared to the impact of people > 18 years on R and cumulative prevalence of COVID‐19
Model structure is clearly stated and justified; equations are based on mathematical reasoning
Major concerns
Model assumptions are simplistic;
cohorting strategies for children because of school reopening strategies, but it is unreasonable to have different cohorts in the model for adults as well;
model is stated to apply to school communities rather than states
No/minor concerns
Input parameters are justified, literature is given for most of them; child‐to‐child contact rate at school is given without any source
Major concerns
Latent, infectious and incubation period are justified by literature.
Weak justification for other parameters such as same values for children and adults for transmission and their latent and infectious period and no source for the multiplier for increased child‐to‐child‐contact c = 10.
Input parameters for the transmission rate are highly unspecific, they have a wide range.
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
Parameter uncertainty for transmission rate is assessed by large range of different values for said rate.
Structural uncertainties are not discussed, although probably important
No/minor concerns
Code available from the author by request; description is comprehensive
Wide range for the input parameters ≥ no significant result
Lazebnik 2020 Hybrid model: SIRD type temporal dynamics and spatial dynamics for home, school, workplace
* Additional compartments: age ‐ children (< 13 years) and adults Partial
There is a good overview of other studies and their results, motivating the approach.
ODE part is described extensively and transparently.
Spatial part seems to be a stochastic simulation, but description lacks depth to understand the mechanics involved.
Moderate concerns
Generally, the model adopts features which possibly could produce sensible results due to age stratification and differences in mixing patterns due to different physical locations.
But according to the model, children above 13 years would have the properties of adults, i.e. go to work, 2 class age stratification might not be enough.
Model is just a forward simulation of input parameters, which requires great care concerning the inputs and their applicability as well as a reliable model structure. Regarding this aspect, there are concerns about the validity of the model.
Spatial part can not really be fully assessed with the available information.
No/minor concerns
Input parameters are stated with their respective sources in most cases.
The number of meeting events is set to one per hour, without further commentary.
Major concerns
There are significant concerns about the model inputs due to their significance in generating the model results. The inputs are mainly parameters from other studies, such that their reliability in this study are not guaranteed as they are not calibrated against data.
Some parameters seem odd: why would children not be able to infect other adults, but other children? (beta_ac,beta_cc) This should presumably be property of the spatial structure, not of the transmission parameter.
The derivation of beta_ca as reported is questionable, since beta incorporates infection as well as contact probability, but the derivation only covers infection probability reliably
Daily R0 from data was compared with R0 from model for a two‐week span before and after school closure.
Moderate concerns
It was shown that the model can in some way approximately reproduce the case numbers in a small time frame. It is not reported to which extent this is really an independent validation. Although better than simple calibration, this is still a weak validation.
There have been some comparisons to other modellers' results.
There are some sanity‐check type analysis from a mathematical standpoint concerning the equations, but from a computational standpoint it is unclear whether the implementation is right
Moderate concerns
Not convincingly validated
Major concerns
Uncertainty has mostly not been assessed, even if it would have been important due to nature of the forward simulation type model.
Stochastic Uncertainty was partially assessed as some R2values for result fits have been specified.
Parameter uncertainty has not been assessed.
Structural uncertainties were not considered, although there has been a discussion of other model structures.
Major concerns
Code has not been made available.
Description of spatial stochastic model part lacks in‐depth explanation such that it might not be possible to reproduce model
Lee 2020 Simple age‐stratified estimation for basic reproduction number (R0) based on assumed SIR model
* Considering different frequencies of contacts among age groups
* Impact of different susceptibilities among age groups is assessed
Model clearly described. 
Moderate concerns
Within the limits of SEIR model
Moderate concerns
Sparse details.
Moderate concerns
 Sparse details. 
No description of external validation. 
Major concerns
No description and based on hypothetical situation, not a particular context.
Not described
Moderate concerns
Not described. 
Moderate concerns
Tested 5 different scenarios of children's % susceptibility from 35 to 60%
No/minor concerns
Model available on Github. 
Simple model, but large influence of the contact matrix on the outcome. Contact matrix just roughly described
Lyng 2020 SIR model analysing different test/surveillance strategies
* Linked to two observed prevalences in population
* No stochasticity, no agents, basic reproduction number (R0) = 2.5, institution = subset of 1500 people Yes
Information in paper and supplement seem to be complete
Major concerns
Deterministic with fixed R0, very simplified model structure, scope: one initial condition (1.35 infections) and two prevalence scenarios
No/minor concerns
Justification sufficient, however only very few parameters required
Major concerns
Decrease due to limited number of susceptibles, R0=2.5
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation described, but code (partly) and online simulator available for testing validity
Moderate concerns
No internal validation described, but code (partly) and online simulator available for testing validity
Major concerns
The weakest part of the study is missing analysis of uncertainty. Predicting costs and effectiveness at an absolute level without uncertainty or sensitivity analysis poses a serious risk.
No/minor concerns
Code is partly available, online simulator available
Limited number of susceptibles ≥ unrealistic
Mauras 2020 Agent‐based SEIR with contact networks:
* investigates probabilities of outbreaks after one index case Yes
Good and convincing
No/minor concerns
Comprehensive justification, realistic structure
No/minor concerns
Justification sufficient
No/minor concerns Partial
Comparison with some specific findings in other studies
No/minor concerns
External validation as good as possible done by comparing with literature
No explicit internal validation procedure but a very comprehensive set of analyses were done that indicate validity
No/minor concerns
No explicit internal validation procedure but a very comprehensive set of analyses were done that indicate validity
No/minor concerns
Sufficient analyses by evaluating parameter sensitivity and dependency on model assumptions
No/minor concerns
Code available on github, results seem reproducible
The model focus is on temporal evolution of single index cases within school/workplace. They consider the probability of getting an outbreak (≥ 5 secondary cases). The effect to the population is not the primary scope of the model.
Monod 2020 Bayesian model for transmission dynamics in the USA 
* Age‐stratified contact‐and‐infection model,
* Impact of different age groups to infection dynamics is estimated
* Interaction for different age groups is based on mobile phone data, then SARS‐CoV‐2 transmission, infections and deaths are estimated Yes
Relative mobility levels for the different age groups: mobility between February and August compared to a baseline; mobility is attributed to mortality data to fit the model; mathematical approach is clearly described
No/minor concerns
Model assumptions are justified;
limitations: population structure except age is not completely accounted for, young children without phone cannot be followed up, but source for their mobility input data is given; mobility of population depends on a lot of external factors
No/minor concerns
Reference for input parameters is given;
two sources for network data are given
No/minor concerns
Input parameters seem reasonable for the US, but strongly depending on the population structure
Validation for the interaction of individuals by data of a second mobile phone provider; predictions of the model are compared to reported cases of COVID‐19;
calibration for the cumulative number of deaths seems reasonable
Moderate concerns
Age‐stratified death data closely matches the model predictions; number of reported COVID‐19 cases compared to the prediction of the model increases, but explanation is given (increased testing);
calibration as kind of dependent validation
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
No/minor concerns
Credible intervals for key outcomes are given (e.g. R0, onward spread, contribution to infection transmission);
parameter uncertainties: sensitivity analysis for the age‐stratified infection fatality ratio;
one reference to a similar model, besides that no assessment of structural uncertainties
No/minor concerns
Code available on Github, MIT license is needed
Munday 2020 Network model describing transmission between schools
* Transmission probability model showing the interaction of schools and households in England
* Outbreak probability for six different school reopening scenarios is modelled Yes
Majority of model assumptions are stated through equations, visualisations might have been helpful
Major concerns
Model assumptions seem idealistic, because the network is simplistic: it accounts for household and schools, other population structures are neglected. Spread between schools is seemingly mediated by infection between siblings in households which seems questionable
No/minor concerns
Source of information for the network of schools in England is given.
Parameters are complete, but only a small amount of input parameters are used.
No/minor concerns
Input parameters are reasonable
No external validation, but reference to other studies who came to similar qualitative results
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
Parameter uncertainty: sensitivity analysis for the reproductive number (R) and for the within‐household transmission probability;
stochastic uncertainty: credible intervals are given, 100 simulations in order to account for stochastic uncertainty;
no structural uncertainty analysis, although this is needed to justify the structure
Major concerns
No code available, with the data available replication of results might be difficult
Naimark 2020 Agent‐based SEIR‐based simulation model
* Model to calculate cumulative COVID‐19 cases for six different scenarios: schools remaining closed and schools being reopened in combination with three different non‐pharmacological intervention (NPI) measures;
* Hypothetical population of one million individuals based on the characteristics of the population of Ontario, Canada, calibrated for the first and second COVID‐19 wave Yes
Model structure is stated with reference to the supplementary material; clear visualisation in the supplementary material; reference to a similar model in another study
No/minor concerns
In general it seems reasonable to combine school reopening and schools remaining closed with different NPI measurements; infectiousness of children might be different to adult's infectiousness
No/minor concerns
Input parameters are transparent and justified, table for key parameters with sources is given
No/minor concerns
Input parameters seem to be reasonable,
parameters are calibrated or with reference to literature
Calibration and recalibration for the first and second wave of COVID‐19 (dependent validation)
Moderate concerns
Besides the data used for calibration, no proof that the model fits to external data as well
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
Stochastic uncertainties are checked by several simulations, credible intervals are given for stochastic uncertainties;
parameter uncertainties are checked by the different scenarios, besides that they are not checked
No/minor concerns
No code available, description rather comprehensive
Panovska‐Griffiths 2020a Agent‐based SEIR‐model (COVASIM)
* Analysed impact of two different school opening scenarios and three ways of testing on reproduction number (R), incidence and death of COVID‐19
* Second simulation with 50% infectiousness of children compared to older ages
* Two possible strategies for reopening schools: full‐ and part‐time with 50% attendance, combined with three types of testing Yes
Model structure is clearly stated and justified,
used COVASIM as a basis of model (briefly described)
Moderate concerns
It is reasonable that reopening of schools is proportional to return to workplaces, effect of decisions of policy makers on this topic is neglected;
14‐days complete isolation of people tested positive might be idealistic;
prediction until end of 2021 questionable
No/minor concerns
Input data are stated and source is publicly available for confirmed cases and deaths, referring to COVA for other model parameters;
updates of COVASIM are integrated into the model
Moderate concerns
In general the input parameters are reasonable; it is referred to the UK Government's COVID19 dashboard; calibration of some parameters; some concerns because model has a lot of parameter inputs
Dependent validation for the confirmed cases and deaths, with data of UK Government's COVID‐19 dashboard; but these data were also used to build the model, no other external validation
Moderate concerns
Apart from the dependent validation no external validation described
COVASIM is an established framework
Moderate concerns
COVASIM is an established framework, no other internal validation
Moderate concerns
Assessment for the effects of uncertainties for deaths, R and incidence of COVID‐19; several simulations in order to account for stochastic errors, shown by 10% and 90% quantiles (but only 10 simulations); different scenarios for test‐tracing and school reopening seem reasonable;
parameter uncertainties: two different parameters for children's infectiousness, besides that parameter uncertainties are not assessed; structural uncertainties are not further assessed
No/minor concerns
With the given data, replication of results seems possible, Code for COVASIM is available
Panovska‐Griffiths 2020b Agent‐based model based on COVASIM, evaluating the impact of face coverings in the UK, number of new infections for different scenarios:
* no mask wearing at schools but community mask wearing
* mask wearing at secondary schools and community mask wearing
Considered two different levels of effective mask coverage Yes
Model structure seems reasonable, extensions to COVASIM sufficiently described; not enough information about COVASIM
Moderate concerns
It might not be reasonable to predict a pandemic until 12/2021, only one mask‐wearing scenario at school is modelled and compared to no mask‐wearing at school
No/minor concerns
Illustrative table for the input parameters,
COVASIM‐based parameters and calibrated parameters are stated
Moderate concerns
Some concerns because of the many input parameters of COVASIM
There is no external validation but model calibration for the COVID‐19 cases with case data and death data for the UK
Moderate concerns
Data have been calibrated; calibration c
COVASIM is an established framework
Moderate concerns
COVASIM is an established framework, no other internal validation
Moderate concerns
Stochastic uncertainties: several simulations are done and 10%/90% quantiles are given, stochastic uncertainty is extremely large;
uncertainty of input parameters: different values for effectiveness of mask wearing;
no assessment of structural uncertainty
No/minor concerns
Code for COVASIM is available, code for the rest of the model is available on github
Phillips 2020 Agent‐based simulation of one school/childcare facility embedded in the community
* Basic simulation approach, homogeneous mixing based on household/class/school
* Investigates allocation of children and educators to classes Yes
The model structure is documented and justified in most instances.
Unclear whether transmission probability is understood correctly, beta as well as contact matrices have been described as the probability of transmission.
Major concerns
Model assumptions might be too simplistic as small scale of model highlights importance of network effects.
Homogeneous mixing is argued by aerosol transmission, however this would contradict the assumption of strongly age‐dependent transmission probabilities.
As understood by reviewer: transmission probability approximately proportional to class size, might not be expected as contacts of children might not increase proportionally with larger class size.
Immediate detection of symptomatic individuals and perfect compliance with no household transmission in isolation is questionable (only 5 classrooms and 1 school)
No/minor concerns
Input parameters have been stated with sources and some were additionally clarified with explanations.
For community transmission an under‐ascertainment factor of 8.45 has been assumed without justification.
Although hinted at in the text, different infectiousness of children compared to adults has seemingly not been analysed.
Moderate concerns
Transmission probabilities were calibrated to produce a household attack rate of 15% based on only one study, for the class/school the transmission rate has been scaled down somewhat arbitrarily or at least not convincing
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
There were several sensitivity analyses on important parameters.
Uncertainties have been generally visualised, in some instances it is not clear whether standard error of the mean or standard deviation of results is given.
Error bands which lead to negative proportions of infected individuals indicate flawed uncertainty analysis.
Uncertainties generally large, indicates that choice of outcome variables is not perfect (fractions between strategies more relevant than absolute values)
Moderate concerns
Code not available, but data and method might be sufficiently described to allow for replication
Rozhnova 2020 Model for the Netherlands, effect of opening/closing schools on effective reproduction number (Re), informative epidemic data (random cross‐ section, not reported cases with symptoms) Yes
Justification is comprehensive
No/minor concerns
The assumptions are reasonable
No/minor concerns
Justification is sufficient
No/minor concerns
Estimation of parameters using Bayesian approach (priors seems reasonable), reliable methodology, negative binomial observations assumed
No external validation, some literature mentioned
Moderate concerns
No independent external validation, but real and very informative data used for parameter fitting, agreement of model and data shown
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation, but the methodology was applied previously
No/minor concerns
Reliable methodology for uncertainty analyses applied
No/minor concerns
Code available on github, reproducibility seems given
Shelley 2020 Deterministic SEIR model stratified into town and different cohorts within a school
* Adds preclinical and subclinical infectious states Partial
Model structure is mostly clear, some lack of justifications.
Exact implementation of testing and quarantine in the model not totally clear and neglected in results/discussion
Major concerns
It is doubtful if this deterministic model of such a non‐closed system starting from one seed infection can properly describe infection dynamics;
mass testing fraction is randomly drawn between 0 and 1; high sensitivity of results to the first seeded infection implies practical lack of robustness of deterministic approach; beta has seemingly not been adjusted for the change of magnitude introduced by transmission matrices
Moderate concerns
Epidemiological parameters have been set to Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Effect of cohorting has been chosen without quantitative justification
Major concerns
It is conceivable that form of transmission matrices which have not been sufficiently justified have a major impact on results.
Role of mass testing which is chosen to random degrees is unclear
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
Parameter uncertainty has been investigated probabilistically.
Transmission matrices have not been subject to uncertainty analyses.
There are concerns that the simple model structure can not describe the real dynamics, so an analysis of alternative model structure would have been adequate.
Moderate concerns
Code has not been made available but model is comparably simple. Given information might enable replication of model, but unclear implementation of testing and quarantine.
Sruthi 2020 Machine‐learning algorithm to disentangle effects of different non‐pharmacological interventions (NPIs) in Switzerland cantons Partial
Much of the structure is hidden away in an AI‐type algorithm
Major concerns
As far as it can be addressed the assumed structure seems reasonable.
Many of the assumptions are impossible to assess given the information in the study.
No/minor concerns
Algorithm parameters are specified;
not many more parameters as it seems.
No/minor concerns
Since model inputs are fairly straightforward, there are barely any problems.
A minor concern would be the input of recovery time which scales the reproduction rate.
Five‐fold cross validation
Moderate concerns
Cross‐validity seems to suggest that weekly infection rates can be predicted well if case numbers are high enough.
No other forms of validation reported.
No internal validation, but cross‐validation
Moderate concerns
Functionality of cross‐validation suggests that model is functional in some sense
Moderate concerns
Uncertainties were reported, but they likely do not span varying structural assumptions which may have significant impact on the reproduction rate contributions.
No/minor concerns
Code and source data available
Tupper 2020 Agent‐based/stochastic SEIR model of in‐class transmissions:
* focus on large clusters (super‐spreading events) Partial
Weakly justified, but based on a rather widely used model structure
Moderate concerns
Only children, only within classroom considered
No/minor concerns
Mostly justified by literature
Moderate concerns
No obvious issues, but weak justifications for many parameters
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation done, results look plausible
Major concerns
Only sensitivity analysis for few parameters. These show large impact on results.
Moderate concerns
No code available, description rather comprehensive
Williams 2020 COVID meta‐population model for Seattle
* Based on CORVID which is based on FluTe which simulated influenza
* Analysis of different test and isolation strategies Partial
Justifications are shifted to the method papers, but mostly understandable there.
Descriptions could have been more technical and detailed.
Unclear how tests/symptomatic cases averted was calculated
Moderate concerns
There are some concerns as structure is ultimately based on influenza model, with some natural history of disease modifications introduced for COVID‐19.
Because model is meta‐population model, it is difficult to verify that structure is reasonable, mechanistic to a high degree.
Simulation of results until end of epidemic is rather unreasonable for assessing outcomes, as this creates a large degree of uncertainty.
Major concerns
It is difficult to gather all model inputs, as most of it is not contained in this paper. Additionally, it is difficult to see how much of up‐to‐date parameter knowledge was used in the simulations
Moderate concerns
There are no obvious flaws, but given the paper information this is impossible to assess without looking into code files
No external validation
Major concerns
No external validation
Model is based on existing published framework
Major concerns
Model is based on existing published framework.
But the given outputs are not explicitly validated.
The almost equal infection peaks for different simulations are atypical for agent‐based models.
Major concerns
Minimal assessments were provided, some instances of different seeds and different R0 analysed.
But model still contains a great deal of uncertainties with respect to structural assumptions and implicit model parameters which are hidden.
No/minor concerns
Code and data are available in repository
Zhang 2020 Modelling of four Chinese cities; SIR model and with contact matrices based on diaries/questionnaires via phone; analysis only based on reported contacts; most of the information is from reported contacts not from modelling; only "schools open without any containment measures" versus "schools closed" considered Yes
Justification is sufficient
Moderate concerns
Self‐reported contacts of study participants play a major role in the model
No/minor concerns
Contact matrices are justified, SIR model parameters only partly justified (it seems to be used only for calculation of R0 not for simulating the epidemics)
Major concerns
Self‐reported contact matrices might be strongly biased, estimation of some parameters of SIR model is not described
Comparison with mobility
Major concerns
No external validation for the important results, i.e. prediction of R0 or reported infections
No internal validation
Moderate concerns
No internal validation, but comprehensive analyses that partly indicate reliability, no comparison of SIR model with data about infections
Moderate concerns
Uncertainty of count matrices is reliable, uncertainty from SIR model not considered
Moderate concerns
No code available, role of SIR model not entirely clear, other parts are sufficiently described
Transfer of results from China to Western countries unclear. Most information is from reported contacts. These reported contacts (via phone calls) might be unreliable.