Low-dose mTORi improves the response of Vδ2neg
γδ T cells and CMV-specific αβ T cells to CMV. (A) Vδ2neg
γδ T cells were purified and cultured in medium alone or with NI or CMV-infected fibroblasts for 24 hours, and ELISA for IFNγ was performed (n=4 donors). (B) PBMCs, from donors who were R+, were cultured for 7 days and then maintained in medium alone or stimulated with 0.6 nmol/L of pp65 PepTivator for 24 hours, and ELISA for IFNγ was performed (n=5). Each symbol represents an individual donor and, in (A), large horizontal lines indicate the mean and small horizontal lines indicate the SD. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, as determined by the Wilcoxon test.