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. 2022 Jan;33(1):59–76. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2021040554

Table 3.

Summary of GRADE findings: Noncalcium-based phosphate binders compared with placebo

Outcomes Illustrative Comparative Outcomes Relative Effect (95% Cl) Number of Participants (studies) Certainty of Evidence (GRADE) Comments
Effect of non calcium-based phosphate binders Risk with placeboa
Serum phosphate (mg/dl) (3–36 months) The measure of mean serum phosphate was -0.37 mg/dl lower than the placebo group The mean serum phosphate was 4.28 mg/dl −0.58 to -0.15 1280 (12) ⊕⊕OO
Due to risk of bias and inconsistency
Urinary phosphate excretion (SMD) (3–24 months) A medium effect on lowering urinary phosphate with the use of phosphate binders (Hedges g=0.61) The mean urinary phosphate was 130.52 standard units −0.90 to -0.31 702 (8) ⊕⊕OO
Due to risk of bias and inconsistency
Different units of urinary phosphate excretion including ratios added to inconsistency of results
Serum PTH (pg/dl) (3–24 months) The measure of mean serum PTH was unchanged The mean serum PTH was 432.5 pg/dl −18.79 to 8.92 1080 (10) ⊕⊕ΟΟ
Due to risk of bias and inconsistency of results
Some inconsistency in results regarding effect on PTH. Heterogeneity of studies (I2=70%)
Pulse wave velocity (m/s) (10–24 months) The PWV was unchanged The mean PWV was 10.4 m/s −0.46 to 1.05 333 (3) ⊕OOO
Due to risk of bias, imprecision and inconsistency
Three studies only able to be analyzed, with two sets of mean values identical (likely due to transformation of median to mean for analysis)
Vascular calcification (Standard units) (9–24 months) A low effect of increasing vascular calcification was noted with the use of phosphate binders (Hedge’s g=0.41) High background risk of vascular calcification in CKD depending on stage (30%–70% of CKD population has defined vascular calcification by stage 3–4 CKD) 0.17 to 0.77 184 (3) ⊕ΟΟΟ
Due to risk of bias, imprecision and inconsistency
Statistically significant (P<0.01)/
Not likely to be of clinical significance.
Three studies only able to be analyzed.
Mortality (log OR) (3–24 months) There was no significant difference in mortality rate between the two groups (log OR -0.51) Risk with placebo 2/100 person years64 −2.12–1.11 1479 (8) ⊕OOO
Due to risk of bias, imprecision and inconsistency
Large confidence intervals leading to imprecision.
Studies often not powered or long enough follow-up for consideration of mortality
Cardiovascular events (log OR) (3–24 mos) There was no significant difference in cardiovascular events between the two groups (log OR 0.31) Not estimable −0.55–1.17 873 (7) ⊕OOO
Due to risk of bias, imprecision and inconsistency
Challenge due to differing follow-up depending on studies

Calculations for overall weighted means for serum and urinary phosphate, PTH and PWV– sum of weighted placebo means across studies for each variable.