Figure 1.
Generation of PAX6+ NPCs with different regional characteristics. (A) Schematic of experimental design. (B) Treatment of iPSC cultures with Wnt-C59 significantly decreases expression of AXIN2, a direct Wnt pathway target, in all cell lines used (WCeu, WCts, ILDeu, and ILDts). (C) 9,197 genes are differentially expressed in euploid NPCs differentiated with either RA or Wnt-C59. (D) GO analysis identifies biological processes significantly enriched in Wnt-C59 NPCs relating to the rostral CNS. (E) GO analysis identifies biological processes relating to the caudal CNS significantly enriched in NPCs treated with RA. (F) Differentiation of the iPSCs with either RA or Wnt-C59 produce a pool of PAX6+ NPCs in both euploid and trisomic cultures. (G) In the WC-24–02-DS isogenic pair, there are no significant differences either between genotype or condition in the percentage of PAX6+ cells in culture, though the cultures treated with Wnt-C59 show less variability between differentiation experiments. (H) The same pattern of PAX6 expression is repeated in the ILD isogenic pair. n = 3, three independent differentiation experiments with values from each individual well (three per differentiation) overlaid. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. *p-value < 0.05 with specific values in text.