Figure 2.
Aged immune cells drive AT dysfunction. Shown is a schematic to describe the tissue maintaining immune cells within the AT in young, lean conditions (left side) and the accumulation of inflammatory immune cells in aged AT. The net sum of the changes in the tissue-maintaining and inflammatory cells leads to an accumulation of inflammation and loss of adipocyte function. Pre-adipocytes accumulate features of senescence, secrete a SASP, and tend to differentiate into fibroblasts as opposed to lipid-storing adipocytes. Adipocytes show reduced catecholamine and insulin signaling. A question mark indicates that age-related changes are unknown. Arrows indicate the direction of change compared with young mice. Changes in both male and female mice are included in this summary. Breg, regulatory B cell; Eo, eosinophils; GzmB, granzyme B; ILC2, innate lymphoid cell; Mac, macrophage. Created in BioRender (