Figure 4.
MicroFil penetration across the cribriform plate: Visualized results using sagittal cross sections of human cadaveric sample from Johnston et al., (2004) displaying yellow MicroFil penetration into the nasal region from subarachnoid space. (A) Drainage around olfactory bulb across the cribriform plate into the ethmoid turbinates and nasal septum. (B,C) MicroFil detection around the perineural spaces of the olfactory nerve. (D) Close up visualization of lymphatic drainage in the nasal septum. (E) MicroFil permeation from the subarachnoid space into the ethmoid labyrinth. (F) Enhanced display of lymphatic drainage in superior nasal turbinate. Key: Brain (b), frontal sinus (fs), olfactory bulb (ob), cribriform plate (cp), ethmoid turbinates (et), nasal septum (ns), olfactory nerve (on), and subarachnoid space (sas).