Metabolomics profiling of plasma from SAA patients and healthy donors. (A) PLS-DA plot showing the metabolic profiles of the SAA (pink dots, n = 14) and HD (green dots, n = 15) groups. (B) The variable importance in projection (VIP) score plot showing the top 15 PLS-DA metabolites that are different between SAA patients and HD. (C) Volcano plot showing differential metabolites (fold change >2, p < 0.05) between SAA patients and HD analyzed by MetaboAnalyst website. The upregulated metabolites are enriched with drug and hormone-related metabolites. (D) MSEA plot showing enriched pathways of upregulated (fold change >2) and downregulated (fold change <2) metabolites in the SAA group. (E) PLS-DA plot showing metabolic profiles of the BM supernatant (pink dots, n = 5) and plasma (green dots, n = 14) in SAA patients. (F) VIP score plot showing the top 15 PLS-DA metabolites that are different between BM supernatant and plasma. (G) Volcano plot showing differential metabolites (fold change >2, p < 0.05) between BM supernatant and plasma analyzed by MetaboAnalyst website. (H) MSEA plot showing enriched pathways of upregulated (fold change >2) and downregulated (fold change <2) metabolites in BM supernatant of SAA patients. SAA, severe aplastic anemia; PLS-DA, partial least squares discriminant analysis; HD, healthy donors; MSEA, metabolite set enrichment analysis; BM, bone marrow.