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. 2022 Jan 18;13(1):e03519-21. doi: 10.1128/mbio.03519-21

FIG 3.


(A) Schematic representation of the Afa/Dr fimbrial gene clusters found in ST131, showing the IS elements located in the promoter region. Brown (afaF) and yellow (afaA) arrows represent genes encoding transcriptional regulators; orange rectangles represent different IS elements; other genes are color-coded as green (chaperone), blue (usher), purple (invasin), pink (genes involved in RNA processing), and red (adhesin major subunit). (B) Transcript levels of afaA and afaF genes in representative ST131 strains. The results are represented as log2 fold change compared with S21EC (which has no IS element in the promoter region). The gapA gene was used as an endogenous control. Experiments were performed in three biological replicates. Unpaired Student's t test was used for statistical analysis (**, P value < 0.01; ***, P value < 0.0001).

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure