Production of 3PG-F420 and substrate specificity of CofC/FbiD enzymes. (A) Extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) of deazaflavin species extracted from Mycetohabitans sp. B3 (peaks are scaled to the same height). (B) Areas under the peaks (arbitrary units) depicted in panel A. (C) Substrate specificity assay of CofC/FbiD from various source organisms. The CofC of Mycetohabitans sp. B3 showed strong 3-PG activation while all other homologs preferred 2-PL. Mjan-CofD was combined with all CofC homologs to perform the CofC/D assay. Error bars represent the standard deviation of three biological replicates. Relative turnover of 3-PG, 2-PL, and PEP are reflected by the rate of 3PG-F420-0, F420-0, and DF420-0 formation, respectively.