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. 2021 Dec 20;70(4):1141–1150. doi: 10.3233/WOR-205029

Table 3.

Number (n) and proportion of participants with different levels of sick leave days in net days over 24 months in the study population per intervention group (n = 132) and control group (n = 139)

Sick leave days in net days Intervention group Control group 95% C.I.*
n percent n percent
0 days 76 57.6 73 52.5 (–0.068,0.169)
15–90 days 31 23.5 37 26.6 (–0.134,0.072)
91–180 days 13 9.8 16 11.6 (–0.09,0.057)
181–365 days 8 6.1 6 4.3 (–0.035,0.07)
366–548 days 2 1.5 7 5.0 (–0.077,0.007)
549–730 days 2 1.5 0 0 n.a.

Note: *95% confidence interval for the difference between the groups’ proportions of participants with sick leave days.