Figure 4.
Characterization of Wm-inhibition of basal prolactin secretion in cultured anterior pituitary cells. (A, B) Concentration-dependence of Wm effect on prolactin (PRL) release in pituitary cells in static cultures during 3 h incubation (A) and in perfused pituitary cells (B). Vertical dotted line in (A) indicates the IC50 value. In subsequent experiments, Wm was used at 10 µM concentration. (C) Comparison of the time-course of effects of Wm (black circles) and cycloheximide (CHX), a protein synthesis inhibitor (orange circles), on basal PRL release. Note the different time scale of this experiment vs. panel (B). Vertical dotted lines indicate time points when 50% decrease of hormone secretion was reached, horizontal arrow indicates the difference in half-times, and vertical arrow indicates the beginning of continuous treatments with Wm and CHX. Data points shown in panel A are mean ± SEM of sextuplicate incubation and data shown in panels (B, C) are representative from two experiments. In this and following figures, PRL was measured by radioimmunoassay, unless stated otherwise.