Author |
Title of Article |
A. A. Alvarez |
Urban student perspectives on classroom-based daily mindfulness practices |
A. J. Amutio-Kareaga, Clemente Franco Gazquez Linares, Jose Jesus Manas, Israel Manas |
Learning mindfulness for enhancing relaxation and self- efficacy on academic performance in high school students |
A. Y. S. Aranega, R. C. Perez, C. G. |
Mindfulness' effects on undergraduates' perception of self-knowledge and stress levels |
P. P. M. P.-M. J. Avery |
Special Session - Lazy Wisdom: Teaching Methods and Realization Activities Enabling Students to Acquire Reawakened Receptive Modes of Knowledge |
B. Ü. M. B. T. H. Ç. D. Ayberkin |
Relations of attention and meditation level with learning in engineering education |
S. R. Babbar, K. Williams, K. |
Addressing Obstetrics and Gynecology Trainee Burnout Using a Yoga-Based Wellness Initiative During Dedicated Education Time |
M. D. S. Bamber, Joanne Kraenzle |
College students' perceptions of mindfulness-based interventions: A narrative review of the qualitative research |
M. V. Beardsley, M. Portero-Tresserra, M. Hernandez-Leo, D. |
ClassMood App: A Classroom Orchestration Tool for Identifying and Influencing Student Moods |
M. M. K. Beattie, H. M. Volanen, S. M. Knittle, K. P. Hankonen, N. E. |
Social Cognitions and Mental Health as Predictors of Adolescents' Mindfulness Practice |
J. Bhatti |
High Test Anxiety in Chiropractic Students: Assessment of an Educational Intervention |
L. Birnbaum |
The use of mindfulness training to create an 'accompanying place' for social work students |
P. C. M. Broderick, Stacie |
Learning to BREATHE: A pilot trial of a mindfulness curriculum for adolescents |
P. C. M. Broderick, Stacie M. |
Working on the inside: Mindfulness for adolescents |
Y. L. E. N. A. R. T. D. A. S. S. T. N. D. J. D. I. Chamindi |
Smartphone-based Approach to Enhance Mindfulness Among Undergraduates with Stress |
S. C. Chase-Cantarini, Glenda |
Introducing mindfulness moments in the classroom |
C.-C. Chen |
An implementation of therapeutic-based art pedagogy: Enhancing culturally diverse students' self-esteem |
S. R. Clark |
The impact of self-regulated attention control on the amount of time spent in flow |
L. G. Corti, C. |
Mindfulness and Coaching to Improve Learning Abilities in University Students: A Pilot Study |
J. P. Croskey, II |
Undergraduates' experiences with mindfulness practice: A qualitative study |
C. P. Davenport, Francesco |
Mindful learning: A case study of Langerian mindfulness in schools |
S. N. P. M. V. Desai |
A Survey on Effects of Various Meditation Interventions on Overall Performance of College Students |
P. L. H. Dobkin, Tom A. |
Teaching mindfulness in medical school: Where are we now and where are we going? |
L. B. Dye, Monica Galloway Wolf, Cheryl |
Teaching mindfulness for the self-care and well-being of counselors-in-training |
L. Edwards |
Combining biofeedback and mindfulness in education |
B. E. Elphinstone, P. Whitehead, R. |
Greater autonomous motivation for study and basic psychological need satisfaction by being presently aware and 'letting go': An exploration of mindful attention and nonattachment |
B. W. Elphinstone, R. Bates, G. |
'Letting go' and flourishing in study: An investigation of the indirect relationship between nonattachment and grades via psychological well-being |
E. H. W. Eustis, Sarah Krill Morgan, Lucas P. Graham, Jessica R. Hayes-Skelton, Sarah A. Roemer, Lizabeth |
Development, acceptability, and effectiveness of an acceptance-based behavioral stress/anxiety management workshop for university students |
A. L. T. Eva, Natalie M. |
Learning to BREATHE: A pilot study of a mindfulness-based intervention to support marginalized youth |
N. L. L. Fonger, Kien |
The promise of mindfulness as a proposed intervention to alleviate the delimiting effects of math anxiety |
L. G. Forbes, D. Johnson, S. K. |
Investigating Adherence to an Online Introductory Mindfulness Program |
M. Fowler |
Mindful discipline for distressed learners |
C. S. Franco, E. Amutio, A. Manas, I. |
Improving motivation in Latin American immigrants through a mindfulness-based program: a randomized study |
J. M. Froiland |
Promoting gratitude and positive feelings about learning among young adults |
N. T. Gabana |
Exploring the effects of a gratitude intervention with college student-athletes |
B. M. E. Galla, M. V. Fiore, H. M. |
Mindfulness predicts academic diligence in the face of boredom |
B. A. Gaudiano |
Mindfulness: Nonclinical applications of mindfulness: Adaptations for school, work, sports, health, and general well-being. Vol. IV |
A. B. Gockel, David James, Susan Bryer, Ellen |
Introducing mindfulness as a self-care and clinical training strategy for beginning social work students |
A. C. Gockel, Theresa Malove, Shirley James, Susan |
Mindfulness as clinical training: Student perspectives on the utility of mindfulness training in fostering clinical intervention skills |
E. C. Goh |
Integrating mindfulness and reflection in the teaching and learning of listening skills for undergraduate social work students in Singapore |
F. R. K. Goodman, Todd B. |
Behind the scenes of clinical research: Lessons from a mindfulness intervention with student-athletes |
S. L. Gu, Yawen Liang, Fei Feng, Rou Zeng, Zhi Wang, Fushun |
The mediating effects of coping style on the effects of breath count mindfulness training on depressive symptoms among international students in China |
W. B. S. Hansen, L. M. |
Specialized Smartphone Intervention Apps: Review of 2014 to 2018 NIH Funded Grants |
M. Hilburn-Arnold |
Turning to creativity: A grounded theory approach towards understanding the relationship between wellness and the arts for adolescents |
A. B. Hjeltnes, Per-Einar Moltu, Christian Dundas, Ingrid |
Facing the fear of failure: An explorative qualitative study of client experiences in a mindfulness-based stress reduction program for university students with academic evaluation anxiety |
A. J. B. Howell, Karen |
Relations among mindfulness, achievement-related self-regulation, and achievement emotions |
A. L. Huang |
Mindfulness support group for college students: Combatting their fears and stresses |
E. T. Hulme, Christy |
Mindfulness in student affairs practice |
T. A. Ivey |
Perceived effectiveness and application of mindfulness practices in education: A qualitative study |
P. A. D. Jennings, Anthony A. Mischenko, Polina P. |
Where are we now? Where are we going?: Preparing our students for an uncertain future |
S. J. V. Kass, Lisa A. Mikulas, William L. Legan, Shauna Bumgarner, David |
Effects of mindfulness training on simulated driving: Preliminary results |
D. C. Kerrigan, Victoria King, Melissa Holman, Emily Joffe, Alain Sibinga, Erica |
There is no performance, there is just this moment: The role of mindfulness instruction in promoting health and well-being among students at a highly-ranked university in the United States |
E. G. Kimble |
Acceptability and outcomes of a guided-meditation intervention for school-age second language learners |
H. R. Kindel |
Toward expert clinicians: The effects of teaching mindfulness in physical therapy education |
S. King |
A case study of a yoga and meditation intervention in an urban school: A complex web of relationships and resilience in the search for student well-being |
K. M. L. Kraemer, Christina M. O'Bryan, Emily M. Mysinger, Erica Cotton, Sian |
Mind-body skills training to improve distress tolerance in medical students: A pilot study |
C. P. B. Kreutzer, Clint A. |
Making games for health engaging: The influence of cognitive skills |
E. J. Langer |
Mindfulness forward and back |
D. Laureiro-Martinez |
Cognitive control capabilities, routinization propensity, and decision-making performance |
S. Lauricella |
Mindfulness meditation with undergraduates in face-to-face and digital practice: A formative analysis |
N. M. Lemon, Sharon |
Mindfulness in the academy: Practices and perspectives from scholars |
E. L. B. Lykins |
Effects of mindfulness and meditation experience on cognitive and emotional functioning and ego depletion |
M. G. McAlister |
Deepening awareness: The integration of mindfulness practices in United States high schools |
C. J. E. Miller, Katelyn Scavone, Antonette |
The feasibility of bringing brief mindfulness-based training to the university classroom |
V. D. Mirisse |
Education for mindfulness: From the diary of a monk |
E. R. V. K. Mittal |
Effect of different music genre: Attention vs. meditation |
M. D. Z. Mrazek, Claire M. Gross, Madeleine E. Mrazek, Alissa J. Phillips, Dawa T. Schooler, Jonathan W. |
Mindfulness in education: Enhancing academic achievement and student well-being by reducing mind-wandering |
M. B. Napoli, Robin |
From theory toward empathic self-care: Creating a mindful classroom for social work students |
G. M. Nixon, D. Craig, L. Nevejan, A. Regan-Addis, H. |
Studies in mindfulness: widening the field for all involved in pastoral care |
M. T. D. R. Nunez, F. J. C. Sanchez, R. C. Aranega, A. Y. |
Developing management skills through experiential learning: the effectiveness of outdoor training and mindfulness |
D. A. O'Brien |
Using mindfulness meditation intermixed with humor to reduce anxiety among nursing students during clinical practice |
L. C. C. F. F. B. R. C. Y. F. V. V. S. A. B. A. R. Palaniappan |
Effect of Mindfulness Meditation toward Improvement of Concentration based on Heart Rate Variability |
K. A. Parish |
Quieting the cacophony of the mind: The role of mindfulness in adult learning |
A. R. Rao |
A novel STEAM approach: Using cinematic meditation exercises to motivate students and predict performance in an engineering class |
D. T. Reid |
Teaching mindfulness to occupational therapy students: Pilot evaluation of an online curriculum |
S. Rongmuang |
A mixed-methods study: The effect of embodied learning on nursing students' presence, well-being, relationships with patients, and learning experience |
C. J. R.-C. Rybak, Lori A. |
The teaching well: Experience, education and counseling |
J. M. Sampl, T. Furtner, M. R. |
A Randomized Controlled Pilot Intervention Study of a Mindfulness-Based Self-Leadership Training (MBSLT) on Stress and Performance |
S. V. G. Sapthiang, William Shonin, Edo |
Mindfulness in schools: A health promotion approach to improving adolescent mental health |
D. L. O. Schussler, Yoonkyung Mahfouz, Julia Levitan, Joseph Frank, Jennifer L. Broderick, Patricia C. Mitra, Joy L. Berrena, Elaine Kohler, Kimberly Greenberg, Mark T. |
Stress and well-being: A systematic case study of adolescents' experiences in a mindfulness-based program |
S. H. Shannon, D. Haughey, T. Leavey, G. McGeown, C. Breslin, G. |
Effects of a Mental Health Intervention in Athletes: Applying Self-Determination Theory |
I. E. Solhaug, Thor E. de Vibe, Michael Haavind, Hanne Friborg, Oddgeir Sorlie, Tore Rosenvinge, Jan H. |
Medical and psychology student's experiences in learning mindfulness: Benefits, paradoxes, and pitfalls |
B. K. Soulakova, Alexandr Butzer, Bethany Winkler, Petr |
Meta-review on the effectiveness of classroom-based psychological interventions aimed at improving student mental health and well-being, and preventing mental illness |
R. I. Teper, M. |
Meditation, mindfulness and executive control: the importance of emotional acceptance and brain-based performance monitoring |
I. M. Thomas |
The experience of mindfulness and learning: A qualitative research study |
M. J. Trotter |
Effects of participation in a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program on college students' Psychological Well-Being |
Y. V. Z. M. J. Venkatesh |
Democratizing Engineering Education Through Contemplative and Mindfulness Practices |
V. R. Viciana, A. B. F. Linares, M. Espejo, T. Puertas, P. Chacon, R. |
The University Studies and the Mindfulness. A Systematic Review |
M. T. Vogel Trautt |
Exploring the malleability of executive function through a mindful lens |
X. G. Wang, Liuna Zhou, Kexin Ye, Lijuan Ma, Yinglin Zhang, Shuhao |
Mindful learning can promote connectedness to nature: Implicit and explicit evidence |
L. B. Waters, Adam Ridd, Amanda Allen, Kelly |
Contemplative education: A systematic, evidence-based review of the effect of meditation interventions in schools |
C.-Q. S. Zhang, Gangyan Duan, Yanping Lyu, Yaojun Keatley, David A. Chan, Derwin K. |
The effects of mindfulness training on beginners' skill acquisition in dart throwing: A randomized controlled trial |
Fischer, EV; Hebbeler, J |
Modes. A Multi-sensory Media Experience for Stress Reduction |
Sílvia Lopes, Armanda Pereira, Paula Magalhães, André Oliveira, and Pedro Rosário |
Gamification: focus on the strategies being implemented in interventions: a systematic review protocol |
Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Philipp A Toussaint, Scott Thiebes, Juho Hamari, Ali Sunyaev |
Archetypes of Gamification: Analysis of mHealth Apps |