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. 2022 Jan 18;20(1):e07032. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2022.7032

Table A.1.

Exposure models predicting the 75th percentile; in case no model could be derived the 75th percentile was calculated (normal scenario/dense scenario/dense scenario with rain trousers); exposure is given in µg/person (BfR, 2020)

Tank ML log exp = α log TA + [formulation type] + constant
Total hands log DML(H) = 0.64 log TA + 0.64 [liquid] + 1.28 [WP] + 1.17 [WPS] – 0.47 [glove wash] + 3.27
Prot. hands log DML(Hp) = 0.46 log TA + 0.32 [liquid] + 1.66 [WP] + 0.20 [WPS] + 1.46
Total body log DML(B) = 0.74 log TA + 0.52 [liquid] + 1.85 [WP] + 3.04
Inner body log DML(Bp) = 0.62 log TA + 0.12 [liquid] + 1.84 [WP] + 1.58
Head log DML(C) = log TA + 0.34 [liquid] + 0.70 [WP] – 1.67 [face shield] + 1.46
Inhalation log IML = 0.38 log TA – 0.87 [liquid] + 1.96 [WP] – 0.03 [WPS] + 1.38
Knapsack ML 75th percentile (above 1.5 kg linear extrapolation)
Total hands 9497
Prot. hands 21
Total body 803
Inner body 25
Head 5.5
Inhalation 35
GH HCHH log exp = α log TA + [dense] + [trolley] + constant
Total hands log DA(H) = 0.83 log TA + 0.17 [dense] – 0.62 [trolley] + 4.40
Prot. hands log DA(Hp) = log TA + 1.32 [dense] – 1.04 [trolley] + 1.71
Total body log DA(B) = log TA + 0.67 [dense] − 0.81 [trolley] + 5.59
Inner body (1) log DA(Bp) = log TA + 1.64 [dense] − 2.42 [dense with rain suit] – 0.54 [dense with protective coverall] – 1.23 [trolley] + 4.19
Head log DA(C) = 0.18 log TA + 0.29 [dense] – 0.41 [trolley] + 2.70
Inhalation log IA = log TA + 0.08 [dense] – 0.19 [trolley] + 2.69
GH LCHH 75th percentile (above 0.60 kg a.s./0.075 kg a.s./0.086 kg a.s. linear extrapolation)
Total hands 1323
Prot. hands 1.5
Total body 16,797 (normal)/55,521 (dense)
Inner body 132 (normal)/12,180 (dense)/80 (dense with rain trousers)
Head 21
Inhalation 47

GH: greenhouse; ML: mixing and loading.


Rain suit and protective coverall are only applicable to exposure in dense foliage. In that case, either ‘dense with rain suit’ or ‘dense with protective coverall’ may be selected.