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. 2022 Jan 18;20(1):e07032. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2022.7032

Table F.1.

US EPA Crop Activity Clusters and Supporting Crop Activity Data (US EPA, 2017)

EPA TC Cluster Supporting data
Code Description Crop Activity
HH Hairy‐leaf field crops: hand harvesting and similar contact activities Cucumbers Hand Harvesting
Summer Squash Hand Harvesting
HHt Hairy‐leaf (Tobacco): hand harvesting and canopy management Tobacco Hand harvesting
HS Hairy‐leaf field crops: scouting and similar contact activities Sunflowers Scouting
SH Smooth‐leaf field crops: hand harvesting and tying Tomato Tying
Strawberry Hand Harvesting
Tomato Hand Harvesting
Strawberry Hand Harvesting
SSr Smooth‐leaf field crops: scouting in row conditions Cotton Scouting
Tomato Scouting
SSs Smooth‐leaf field crops: scouting in solid stand conditions Corn Scouting
Dry Pea Scouting
SW Smooth‐leaf field crops: hand weeding, thinning and similar contact activities Cotton Hand weeding
Cotton (2nd study) Hand weeding
Dry Pea Hand weeding
Sx (EPA) Smooth‐leaf field crops: intense contact activities Sweet Corn Hand harvesting
Sweet Corn (2nd study not reported) Hand harvesting
WIH Waxy‐leaf field crops, low height: hand harvesting and similar contact activities Cabbage Hand harvesting
WIS Waxy‐leaf field crops, low height: scouting and similar contact activities Cauliflower Scouting
Wm Waxy‐leaf field crops, medium height: all activities, plus full foliage weeding Cauliflower Scouting
Cauliflower Hand harvesting
Cabbage Hand weeding
OH (EPA) Orchard crops: hand harvesting and similar contact activities Apples Hand Harvesting
Oranges Hand Harvesting
Oranges (2nd study) Hand Harvesting
Grapefruit Hand Harvesting
Peaches Hand Harvesting
Peaches (2nd study) Hand Harvesting
Peaches (3rd study) Hand Harvesting
OT (EPA) Orchard crops: thinning Apples Thinning
OHn Orchard crops: mechanically harvesting nuts Almonds Mechanical Harvesting
OP Orchard crops: hand pruning, scouting and similar contact activities Olives Hand Pruning
Apples Hand Pruning
OW Orchard crops: hand weeding and similar contact activities Peaches Propping
THb Trellis crops: hand harvesting cranberries and similar contact activities Blackberries Hand harvesting
THjg (EPA) Trellis crops: hand harvesting juice/wine grapes and similar contact activities Juice/Wine Grapes Hand harvesting
THrg (EPA) Trellis crops: hand harvesting table/raisin grapes and similar contact activities Table/Raisin Grapes Hand harvesting
Table/Raisin Grapes (2nd study) Hand harvesting
TP Trellis crops: hand pruning, scouting and similar contact activities Table/Raisin Grapes Scouting
Tx Trellis crops: intense contact activities Table/Raisin Grapes Cane turning
GHf Greenhouse and nursery floriculture hand harvesting: all flowers and methods Solidasters, Snapdragons, Lillies Hand Harvesting
GHv Greenhouse vegetables: hand harvesting and similar contact activities Blackberries Hand Harvesting
Tomatoes, fresh Tying
GN Greenhouse and nursery crops: all activities Chrysanthemums Pinching
Nursery Stock Citrus Trees Hand Pruning
All crops: transplanting Nursery Stock Citrus Trees Hand Harvesting
I Irrigation, any crop where hand line is possible Potatoes Irrigation
CHp Cotton, mechanical harvesting: picker operator and raker (based on boll residue) Cotton Mechanical Harvesting
CHm Cotton, mechanical harvesting: module builder operator (based on boll residue)
CHt Cotton, mechanical harvesting: tramper (based on boll residue)
DH Sod: mechanical harvesting, scouting, transplanting and hand weeding Sod Mechanical Harvesting
DM Golf courses: maintenance activities Golf Course Turf Maintenance