Grateful appraisals
1 |
Right now, I have so much at work to be thankful for. |
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7 |
2 |
At this present time, if I had to list everything that I felt grateful for at work, it would be a very long list. |
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7 |
3 |
At the present time, life has been good to me at work. |
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7 |
Gratitude toward others
4 |
Currently, I couldn’t have gotten where I am today at work without the help of many people. |
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5 |
Although I think it’s important to feel good about my current work accomplishments, I think that it’s also important to remember how others have contributed to my accomplishments. |
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6 |
Although I’m basically in control of my work at the present time, I can’t help but think about all those who have supported me and helped me along the way. |
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7 |
Right now, I feel deeply appreciative for the things others have done for me at work. |
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7 |
Intentional attitude of gratitude
8 |
Currently, I think that it’s important to “Stop and smell the roses” as it pertains to my work. |
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9 |
Currently, I believe that it’s important to pause often to “count my blessings” at work. |
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10 |
Right now, I think it’s important to enjoy the simple things that pertain to my work. |
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7 |
Create an average or “mean” score of the following items to create a score for each of the components of the GWS |
1.Grateful appraisals = (Item 1 + Item 2 + Item 3)/3 |
2.Gratitude toward others = (Item 4 + Item 5 + Item 6 + Item 7)/4 |
3.Intentional attitude of gratitude = (Item 8 + Item 9 + Item 10)/3 |
To create an overall score of work gratitude, create an average score of the means for each of the aforementioned components |
1.Overall Gratitude at Work = (Grateful appraisal + Gratitude toward others + Intentional attitude of gratitude)/3 |