Fig. 1.
The X. fastidiosa outbreak in Apulia is due to a single introduction from Costa Rica (a, b) followed by its establishment and spread (c). X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca (b) and ST53 (a) maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees including all the sequenced Apulian isolates. A X. fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa strain was used as an outgroup in (b). The Apulian isolates appear in green (region of origin: Lecce), orange (Brindisi) and pink (Taranto) based on their region of origin while the Costa Rican strains appear in blue. Bootstrapping values over 80 % corresponding to 1000 replicates are indicated by an asterisk (a, b). C shows the haplotype network linking X. fastidiosa isolates from Apulia.