Fig. 7.
Accumulation of UFA-containing GPs induced by ERRα is required for EC progression (A) The baseline characteristic including BMI, menopause, FIGO stage, histologic type, MI, LNM and ERRα expression of patients (EC = 35 vs controls = 19) tissues for lipidomic. (B) Different classes of lipids were tested in 35 EC tissues and 19 control tissues. (C) Venn diagram showing the distribution of TFEB-ERRα axis related lipids and ERRα-dependent lipids in clinical samples. (D)Systematic lipidomic changes between EC and control tissues assessed by OPLS-DA. (E) Systematic lipidomic changes between LNM and non-LNM tissues assessed by OPLS-DA. (F) Significant lipid species in EC and normal control tissues and its PC/SM evaluation. (G) Analysis of TFEB-ERRα associated lipids, ERRα-dependent lipids and EC as well as LNM. (H) The univariate binary logistic regression analyses of Age, BMI, CA125, PC (18:1/18:2) + HCOO and PC (32:2) + H. (I) The correlation analysis of PC (18:1/18:2) + HCOO and ERRα. *, p < 0.05. Statistical tests: Student’ s t-test(E–F), Logistic regression(G), Pearson’s rank correlation analysis(H). BMI: Body Mass Index.