Figure 2. Steps in the automated analysis and modeling of natural behavior.
An example of how software can measure human behavior in 2D or 3D environment. This occurs in several stages including tracking the movements, action classification and behavior analysis (Anderson and Peroni, 2014). Starting from the top left: (A) the subject performs a task where they learn about safe patches and where rewards of high or low value will appear. Such a task should result in place preference or aversion. The software occurs in several stages including the (B)detection (C) tracking of the movements, (D) action classification and (E) behavior analysis (Anderson and Peroni, 2014; Dankert et al., 2009). This will result in an (F) ethogram that will illustrate the different behaviors of pausing, thigmotaxis, movement away and so forth. (G) The behaviors can then be used for correlation with neural activity or subjective reports and questionnaire data. Finally, these data can be used to inform or create (H) computational accounts of the behavior.