First author | Year | Ref | WGS or targeted | Type of strain, cultured isolate or specimen | N | Sample preparation details and library preparation kit | Device | Flow cell used | Base-calling | Bioinformatic analysis | Main study aim | Main study findings |
Eckert | 2016 | 22 | WGS | Laboratory (Mtb H37Rv), culture isolate | 1 | Biotinylated RNA bait enrichment, SQK-MAP003 or SQK-MAP004 | MinION | Not listed | Metrichor 2D | MinKNOW, poretools, BLASR, LAST | Evaluate an adapted DNA enrichment protocol for MinION sequencing | DNA enrichment resulted in partial Mtb genome coverage |
Clinical, cultured isolate | 1 | |||||||||||
Bainomugisa | 2018 | 21 | WGS | Clinical, cultured isolate | 1 | SQK-LSK108 | MinION | R9.4 | Albacore | MinKNOW, Nanopolish, Racon, Pilon, MUMmer, Canu, Circulator | Use NS plus short-read sequencing to assemble the XDR Mtb genome | Identification of known and novel genomic variants |
Smith | 2020 | 23 | WGS | Clinical, cultured isolates | 431 | SQK-LSK109 | MinION | R9.4 | Guppy with FlipFlop Fast algorithm | QCAT, Minimap2, BWA mem, SAMTools, Kraken | Assess ONT sequencing for species identification, in silico spoligotyping, resistance prediction and phylogenetics | Performance and cost of ONT is comparable, to Illumina for genotyping and detection of resistance |
Cervantes | 2020 | 8 | WGS | Laboratory (Mtb HN878), cultured isolate | 1 | Rapid Sequencing Kit | MinION | R9.4 | Albacore | EPI2ME, What’s In My Pot, antimicrobial resistance mapping application | Evaluate ONT for WGS for drug resistance prediction from cultured and uncultured Mtb | no. of Mtb reads varied considerably and was very low for 2 when DNA was extracted directly from sputum |
Clinical, 4 cultured isolates, 2 specimens | 6 | |||||||||||
George | 2020 | 12 | WGS | Laboratory (M. bovis BCG), cultured isolate (used to spiked sputum) | 1 | SQK-LSK109 | GridION | R9.4 | Guppy | Porechop, Centrifuge, in-house CRuMPIT workflow, Minimap2, SAMTools, Pysam | Develop an undemanding, cost-effective method for sequencing Mtb directly from clinical specimens | Use of a low-cost thermo-protection buffer and a single flow cell per sample resulted in sufficient Mtb genome coverage |
Clinical, specimens | 20 | |||||||||||
Tafess | 2020 | 24 | Targeted | Clinical, cultured isolates | 163 | PCR amplification of 19 loci, SQK-LSK108 | MinION | R9.4 | Albacore | BacterioChek-TB, BWA | Develop targeted sequencing for Illumina MiSeq and ONT for prediction of resistance. | 100% concordance between ONT and Illumina when low frequency variants are excluded |
Chan | 2020 | 25 | Targeted | Clinical, specimens | 12 | PCR amplification of 10 loci, Ligation Sequencing 1D kit | MinION | R9 | MinKNOW | Porechop, Minimap2, Nanopolish, Qualimap | Develop targeted sequencing workflows for Illumina MiSeq and ONT for prediction of resistance | 95% concordance between ONT and Illumina for fixed variants |
Cabibbe | 2020 | 11 | Targeted | Clinical, specimens | 104 | Deeplex Myc-TB PCR amplification, SQK-LSK108 | MinION | R9.4 | Albacore | Guppy, Porechop, Minimap2, SAMTools, VarScan2, NanoPack, AlignQC, Qualimap2 | To evaluate the compatibility of Deeplex Myc-TB, with ONT MinION. | ONT MinION and Illumina MiniSeq results were fully concordant for drug resistance prediction. |
N refers to the number of sequenced samples. Twenty replicates of one sample. Abbreviations: WGS, whole-genome sequencing; BCG, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin; ONT, Oxford Nanopore Technologies; XDR, extensively drug resistant; Mtb, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.