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. 2022 Jan 19;60(1):e01769-21. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01769-21


Diagnostic accuracies of the Sanger, Illumina, and Nanopore 16S rRNA sequencing methods

Sequencing method No. of samples analyzed No. of samples with matched taxa Diagnostic accuracy (%) 95% CIc P value (chi-square test)d
Sanger 16S 165 159 96.36 92.25–98.65
Resolved Illumina 16Sa 165 115 69.70 62.07–76.60 <0.0001*
 Analyzed by MSR 165 59 35.76 28.46–43.58
 Analyzed by Illumina_BLAST+ 165 118 71.52 63.98–78.26
Resolved Nanopore 16Sb 165 159 96.36 92.25–98.65 0.0291*
 Analyzed by Epi2ME 165 147 89.09 83.31–93.41
 Analyzed by NanoBLAST+ 165 148 89.70 84.02–93.88

Discordant samples between MSR and Illumina_BLAST+ were analyzed by nf-core/ampliseq; classified species in nf-core/ampliseq were considered resolved identities in Illumina workflow.


Discordant samples between Epi2me and NanoBLAST+ were analyzed by NanoCLUST; classified species in NanoCLUST were considered resolved identities in Nanopore workflow.


CI, confidence interval.


*, P < 0.05, statistically significantly different from Sanger 16S results.