Figure 1.
31P-MRS data from first study visit. [PCr] is expressed as a fraction of the mean value during the initial 2-min rest period. Data for ID participants appear as white circles; those for IR participants, black circles. Solid black bars indicate 5-min exercise periods. All participants completed the 3-W exercise bout. Subsequently, several participants ceased exercise prematurely due to fatigue: during the 4-W bout, one IR participant after 1050 s; during the 5-W bout, one ID participant after 1820s, one IR participant after 1720s, and another IR participant after 1775s. For illustrative purposes, recovery data for these participants are shifted to align with cessation of exercise in the other participants; an ‘early recovery’ artefact is thus apparent in the IR group near the end of the 4-W and 5-W bouts. The rest periods include data for all participants. Values are 30-s means; error bars show SE.