Figure 7.
Confirmation of selected protein expression changes in the regression experiment using the porcine model of dietary NAFLD development. Representative Western blots (extracted from original, Supplemental Fig. S2) of proteins and quantification of their expressions normalized to the ACTIN (40 kDa) as loading control (A). Parallel reaction monitoring detection of proteotypic peptides and quantification of detectable proteins in targeted proteomics (B). Representative chromatograms of proteotypic peptide (VAVNDAHLLQYNHR for LGALS3). PSMs mascot values were divided by their protein molecular weight and the number of detected proteins of each sample. Data are expressed as mean ± SD for each group. Statistical analyses were carried out using Mann–Whitney U test. *p < 0.05. Representative micrographs of immunohistochemical localization of LGALS3 in the liver (C). Positive signals of immune labelling are shown in brown. Bar denotes 50 μm.