(A) Rear ankles were measured as an indication of arthritis and represented as the mean change in ankle thickness ± SEM from n=12 KRN.g7, n=14 IDO2 ko KRN.g7, n=9 R235W KRN.g7, and n=8 Y346X KRN.g7 mice, pooled from 4 independent litters for each genotype. At 6 wk of age, (B) pictures were taken of the front and rear paws and (C) rear paws were sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Representative images from a total of n=8 mice per genotype. Scale bar = 100μm. (D) Arthritis was induced by adoptively transferring KRN IDO2 ko T cells into IDO2 ko TCRα ko B6g7/b mice together with B cells purified from B6g7/b (wt), IDO2 ko B6g7/b (IDO2 ko), R235W B6g7/b (R235W), or Y346X B6g7/b (Y346X) mice. Arthritis is represented as mean ankle thickness ± SEM. Data is from n=7 wt, n=7 IDO2 ko, n=14 R235W, and n=5 Y346X B cell transfers. (E) The number of anti-GPI ASCs from the joint dLNs was determined using an ELISpot assay. Data shows the mean number of ASCs ± SEM for n=29 KRN.g7, n=14 IDO2 ko KRN.g7, n=14 R235W KRN.g7, and n=14 Y346X KRN.g7 mice. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001, n.s., not significant.