Fig. 1. Tumour characteristics and response to NACT according to DDIR status.
a Tumour characteristics: each column represents one patient. DDIR status is shown on the top row with the associated key. Hormone and HER2 receptor status are shown for each tumour, clinical T and N stages and grade. RCB = residual cancer burden score where 0 = complete pathological response, 1 = minimal residual disease, 2 = moderate residual disease and 3 = extensive residual disease. No significant difference in patient characteristics was identified except for grade, where DDIR-positive tumours were noted to be higher grade than those classified as DDIR negative (P = 0.024, unpaired t test, data in Table 1). b DDIR score and RCB (response) to NACT. Tumours that demonstrated RCB 0–1 clinical response had significantly higher DDIR scores than those with RCB 2–3 responses (*P = 0.0286, **P = 0.0042, unpaired t test, 46 cases). c Compared collectively, tumours with a clinical response of RCB 0–1 to NACT had significantly higher DDIR assay scores than those with RCB 2–3 responses. (**P = 0.0033, unpaired t test, 46 cases).