Fig. 3. Setup and results of a compliance minimization problem with 11 × 11 design variables.
a Problem setup: minimizing compliance subject to maximum volume constraint. b Best dimensionless energy with a total of ntrain accumulated training samples. SOLO denotes our proposed method where the cross “X” denotes the convergence point (presented in e), “Offline” denotes training a DNN offline and then uses GSA to search for the optimum without updating the DNN, whose results are independent so they are plotted as circles instead of a curve, CMA-ES denotes Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy. SOLO converges the fastest among these methods. c Energy prediction error of relative to FEM calculation of the same material distribution. e() denotes DNN’s prediction, E() denotes FEM’s result. d Optimized design produced by the gradient-based method. . e Optimized design produced by SOLO. ntrain = 10,243 and . f Optimized design produced by SOLO. ntrain = 77,691 and . In d–f dark red denotes ρ = 1 and dark blue denotes ρ = 0, as indicated by the right bar.