Table 1.
Description of the variables and parameters of the COVID-19 model (6)
Variable | Description |
S(t) | Proportion of susceptible individuals |
E(t) | Proportion of exposed individuals |
A(t) | Proportion of asymptomatically infected individuals |
I(t) | Proportion of symptomatically infected individuals |
Q(t) | Proportion of quarantined individuals |
H(t) | Proportion of hospitalized individuals |
R(t) | Proportion of removed individuals |
Parameter | Description |
β | Infection rate |
ηAηQ, ηH | Modification parameters for asymptomatic, quarantined, and hospitalized infection rates |
q | Proportion of exposed developing asymptomatic infections |
σ | Disease progression rate from the exposed to infectious |
γI, γA, γQ, γH | Recovery rates of symptomatic, asymptomatic, quarantined, and hospitalized individuals |
ωQ, ωH | Quarantine and hospitalization rates |
νQ | Quarantine violation rate |
νH | Hospital discharge rate |
δI, δA, δQ, δH | Death rates of symptomatic, asymptomatic, quarantined, and hospitalized individuals |