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. 2022 Jan 20;22:85. doi: 10.1186/s12885-021-09160-1

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

(a) Cell-free DNA fragment length distribution for all reads and somatic reads in both tumour patients and benign tumour patients plotted as cumulative density plot. (Tumour_all_frag – all reads from 4 cancer patients; Tumour_somatic_frag – all somatic reads from 4 cancer patients; Tumour_somatic_shared_frag - all shared somatic reads (i.e. reads from somatic variants which were present in matched tumour) from 4 cancer patients; Tumour_somatic_uniq_frag – all unique somatic reads (i.e. reads from somatic variants which were not present in matched tumour) from 4 cancer patients; Benign_all_frag – all reads from 2 benign tumour patients; Benign_somatic_frag – all somatic reads from 2 benign tumour patients) (b) Fragments less than and greater than x bp are compared between shared somatic reads and unique somatic reads in cancer patients. The plot shows the interquartile range, and the lines refers to 50% quantile, GT – greater than x and LTE – less than or equal to X. The reads are combined from all 4 cancer patients