Table 1.
Phase | Objective | Stakeholders involved | Methods: | Decision-making | Output |
1) Initiation and preparation | To understand the EuroCAB context and review existing M&E practices | Project team | Document analysis, informal conversations | Not applicable | Preliminary case description |
2) Collection, exchange, and integration of information | To reflect on the collaboration processes and experiences with M&E to identify meaningful metrics and iteratively develop and refine the framework | 23 CAB members 4 industry representatives Project team |
Reflection sessions, 2 group sessions, and 6 one-to-one sessions | CAB members’ and industry representatives’ insights were used to develop the theory of change model and draft a set of potentially relevant metrics | Preliminary framework consisting of a theory of change and tailored set of possible metrics |
3) Priority setting | To prioritize the identified objectives and metrics to develop a set of meaningful metrics | 24 CAB members 6 industry representatives |
Questionnaire | CAB members’ and industry representatives’ rankings were used to cluster metrics into groups of low, medium, and high priority | Ranking of most important objectives and most relevant metrics |
4) Validation and planning | To validate the theory of change and set of metrics for M&E and to gather ideas for data collection and reporting | 3 CAB members 5 industry representatives Project team |
Digital dialogue workshop | CAB members and industry representatives discussed which metrics to include in the tailored framework and discussed how these could be measured and reported | Tailored framework with sets of metrics and ideas on how to implement M&E |
CAB, community advisory board; EuroCAB, a collection of CABs participating in this European Organisation for Rare Diseases program; M&E, monitoring and evaluation.