Figure 1.
Methodological workflow. (STV = Short Term Variability; SDev = Standard Deviation; PPA = peak-to-peak amplitude; VLF and %VLF = power and its percentage in the Very Low Frequency band; LF and %LF = power and its percentage in the Low Frequency band; HF and %HF = power and its percentage in the High Frequency band; SVB = Sympatho-Vagal Balance; SampEn = Sample Entropy; SD1 = Standard Deviation 1 perpendicular to the line-of-identity obtained by Poincaré maps; SD2 = Standard Deviation 2 along the line-of-identity obtained by Poincaré maps; HFD = Higouchi Fractal Dimension; VIRR = Variability Index obtained by applying the Symbolic Dynamics technique to the RR time series; VIFHR = Variability Index obtained by applying the Symbolic Dynamics technique to the FHRV signal).