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. 2022 Jan 4;11(1):74. doi: 10.3390/biology11010074

Table 4.

Studies reporting on the effectiveness of Olympic combat sports on balance, fall risk, or falls in older adults.

Study Country Study Design Sample’s Initial Health Groups Mean Age (Year) Activities in the Intervention and Control Groups Training Volume Training Intensity DCI of Balance DCI of Fall Risk or Falls Main Outcomes
(n) TD (Weeks) Fr TPS (min)
Baek et al. [28] South Korea RCT Apparently healthy TUG None EG vs. CG: ↓ TUG (in favour EG).
EG: 12 72.6 EG: taekwondo 12 3 60 NA
CG: 12 72.4 CG: usual activities NA NA NA
Campos-Mesa et al. [29] Spain NRCT Apparently healthy None FES-I EG vs. CG: ↓ FES-I π (in favour EG).
EG: 19 74.3 EG: judo 6 2 60 NA WHO Questionnaire WHO Questionnaire was not reported post-intervention.
CG: 11 77.8 CG: physical fitness 2 60 NA
Cho & Roh [30] South Korea RCT Apparently healthy 50–80%HRmax TUG None
EG: 19 68.9 EG: taekwondo 16 5 60
EG vs. CG: ↔ TUG.
CG: 18 69 CG: usual activities NA NA
Ciaccioni et al. [31] Italy NRCT Apparently healthy Moderate to vigorous None FES-I EG vs. CG: ↔ FES-I π.
EG: 19 69.3 EG: judo 16 2 60
BBS BBS was not reported post-intervention.
CG: 21 70.2 CG: usual activities NA NA
Combs et al. [32] United States of America RCT Parkinson’ ‘s disease BBS
EG: 17 66.5 EG: boxing 12 2–3 90 NA ABC
EG vs. CG: ↑ ABC (in favour CG), ↔ BBS, ↔ TUG, ↔ DTUG.
CG: 14 68 CG: physical fitness 2–3 90 NA
Cromwell et al. [33] United States of America NRCT Apparently healthy One question
EG: 20 72.7 EG: taekwondo 11 2 60 NA TUG EG vs. CG: ↓ TUG, ↑ MDRT, ↓ GSR, ↔ SLS (in favour EG).
CG: 20 73.8 CG: usual activities NA NA NA GSR One question was not reported post-intervention.
Witte et al. [34] Germany RCT Apparently healthy MBT (static and dynamic balance) None EG vs. FG vs. CG: ↔ Static balance, ↔ Dynamic balance.
EG: 30 EG: karate 2 60 NA
FG: 30 69.3 FG: physical fitness 20 2 60 NA
CG: 30 CG: usual activities NA NA NA
Youm et al. [35] South Korea RCT Apparently healthy 12 None EG vs. WG vs. CG: ↔ AP RMS distance, ↔ AP velocity, ↔ AP total power frequency, ↓ ML RMS distance, ↓ ML velocity, ↔ ML total power frequency (in favour EG and WG regarding CG).
EG: 10 69.4 EG: taekwondo 3 60
WG: 10 71.4 WG: walking exercise 3 60 40–60%HRmax Force
Platform (COP)
CG: 10 70.6 CG: usual activities NA NA

ABC: Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale. AP: anteroposterior. BBS: Berg Balance Scale. CG: control group. COP: center of pressure. DCI: data collection instruments. DTUG: Dual-task timed up-and-go test. EG: experimental group. FES-I: Falls Efficacy Scale-International. FG: fitness group. Fr: frequency. GSR: Gait stability ratio. n: number of participants. MBT: motor balance test. MDRT: Multidirectional Reach Test. ML: mediolateral. NA: not applicable. NRCT: a non-randomized controlled trial. RCT: a randomized controlled trial. RMS: root mean square. SLS: the length of time a participant stood on one leg. TD: total duration. TPS: time per session. TUG: timed up-and-go test. %HRmax: percentage of maximum heart rate. ↔: no significant difference. ↑: significant increase. ↓: significant decrease. π: overall score.