Effects of CoPP and GYY4137 treatments on the expression of CD11b/c in the PFC and BAX in the PFC and DRG of PTX-injected mice. Graphs represent the expression of CD11b/c in PFC (A), and BAX in the PFC (B) and DRG (D) of PTX-injected mice treated with CoPP or GYY4137. Animals treated with VEHI–VEHI were used as controls. Representative blots for CD11b/c and BAX (C) in the PFC and for BAX in the DRG (E) are shown. All proteins are represented relative to β-actin levels. In all panels, * indicates significant differences vs. the VEHI–VEHI-treated animals; #, vs. the PTX–CoPP-treated animals; and $, vs. PTX-injected mice treated with GYY4137 (p < 0.05, one-way ANOVA followed by the SNK post hoc test). Data are expressed as mean values ± SEM; n = 3 samples per group.