2-PMAP reduced the TLR-4/NF-κB signals in SAH rats. (A) Western blotting was utilized to measure the protein levels of TLR-4, NF-κB and phospho-NF-κB in brain tissues. Left panel: representative expression of TLR-4, NF-κB and phospho-NF-κB protein of brain tissues. Beta-actin was used as an internal control. Right panel: quantification of TLR-4 and relative p-NK-κB activity. (B) qRT-PCR was used to test the relative expression of TLR-4 in the BA. The level of TLR-4 in the BA was significantly increased after SAH, whereas 2-PMAP also reduced the level. Data are shown as mean ± SD (n = 6 for each group); *, p < 0.05, significantly different from the SAH group. #, p < 0.05, significantly different from the sham group.