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. 2022 Jan 13;14(2):389. doi: 10.3390/cancers14020389

Table 5.

Summary of cohort and case-control studies on all known and putative risk factors for vulvar cancer published between 1980 and 2020. Part 4.

Risk Factor First Author * [Ref.] Year Country Design Representativeness Exposed Cases Controls Age †
Smoking Mabuchi [58] 1985 US CC Multicentre hospital-based case series NA 149 149 81% ≥50
Smoking Brinton [29] 1990 US CC Multicentre hospital-based case series NA 209 113 Mean, 54
Smoking Daling [36] 1992 US CC 13-county, cancer-registry-based case series NA 295 902 69% <60
Smoking Daling [36] 1992 US CC 13-county, cancer-registry-based case series NA 295 902 69% <60
Smoking Daling [36] 1992 US CC 13-county, cancer-registry-based case series NA 295 902 69% <60
Smoking Daling [36] 1992 US CC 13-county, cancer-registry-based case series NA 295 902 69% <60
Smoking Daling [36] 1992 US CC 13-county, cancer-registry-based case series NA 295 902 69% <60
Smoking Daling [36] 1992 US CC 13-county, cancer-registry-based case series NA 295 902 69% <60
Smoking Parazzini [68] 1995 Italy CC Hospital-based case series NA 125 541 Median, 63
Smoking Madeleine [59] 1997 US CC 3-county, cancer-registry-based case series NA 110 1403 52% ≥60
Smoking Madeleine [59] 1997 US CC 3-county, cancer-registry-based case series NA 110 1403 52% ≥60
Smoking Madeleine [59] 1997 US CC 3-county, cancer-registry-based case series NA 110 1403 52% ≥60
Smoking Madsen [61] 2008 Denmark CC Nationwide, cancer-registry-based series NA 116 518 Median, 63
Smoking Coffey [33] 2016 UK C Cohort of attenders to a population-based MSP 1,300,042 624 NA Range, 49–65
Smoking Brinton [30] 2017 US CC 8-state/area cohort of registered retired persons 201,469 170 NA Mean, 61
HIV Silverberg [80] 2009 US C Healthcare delivery system cohort NR 12 NA ≥18
HIV Franzetti [44] 2013 Italy C Single-hospital-based cohort 1542 5 NA Median, 42
HIV Hernández-Ramírez [50] 2017 US C Multistate, population-based cohort NR 151 NA NR
HIV Mpunga [63] 2018 Rwanda CC Hospital-based case series NA 23 960 NR
HIV Ortiz [66] 2018 US C Multistate, population-based cohort NR 28 NA NR
HIV-AIDS Hessol [51] 2018 US C Metropolitan, population-based cohort 1338 14 NA ≥16 years
AIDS Frisch [46] 2000 US C Multistate, population-based cohort 51,760 12 NA Median, 33
AIDS Tanaka [83] 2018 Brazil C Metropolitan, population-based cohort NR 14 NA ≥13
Dialysis Fairley [43] 1994 Australia C 2-nationwide, population-based cohort NR 2 NA ≥15
Dialysis/renal transplantation Skov Dalgaard [82] 2013 Denmark C Nationwide, population-based cohort 4610 15 NA ≥14
Renal transplantation Fairley [43] 1994 Australia C 2-nationwide, population-based cohort NR 24 NA ≥15
Renal transplantation Birkeland [23] 1995 Denmark C 4-nation, population-based cohort 2369 11 NA NR
Renal transplantation Vajdic [84] 2006 Australia C 2-nationwide, population-based cohort 12,485 18 NA Mean, 50
Renal transplantation Villeneuve [86] 2007 Canada C Nationwide, population-based cohort 4100 3 NA NR
Renal transplantation Reinholdt [73] 2020 Denmark C Nationwide, population-based cohort 1588 8 NA 63% ≥40
S-O transplantation Adami [21] 2003 Sweden C Nationwide, population-based cohort 2339 9 NA NR
S-O transplantation Engels [41] 2011 US C Multistate, population-based cohort 68,705 58 NA NR
S-O transplantation Madeleine [60] 2013 US C Nationwide, population-based cohort 72,035 66 NA ≥18
Paediatric S-O transplantation Simard [81] 2011 Sweden C Nationwide, population-based cohort NR 3 NA <18
Paediatric S-O transplantation Yanik [88] 2017 US C Multistate, population-based cohort 8210 2 NA <18
Liver transplantation Schrem [77] 2013 Germany C Single-hospital-based cohort 940 5 NA NR
Risk factor [Ref.] Comparison Disease Measure Result (95% CI) Adjustment variables
Smoking [58] 10–20 cig./day vs. 0 VC OR 2.46 (NR, p < 0.05) NR
Smoking [29] Current smoker vs. never VC RR 1.19 (0.6–2.2) Age, no. of sexual partners, genital warts, previous abnormal Pap smear
Smoking [36] Current vs. never VSCC OR 4.8 (3.3–6.8) Age, geographic location, no. of sexual partners
Smoking [36] Former vs. never VSCC OR 1.8 (1.2–2.8) Age, geographic location, no. of sexual partners
Smoking [36] <20 cig./day (current) vs. 0 VSCC OR 3.3 (2.0–5.3) Age, geographic location, no. of sexual partners
Smoking [36] ≥40 cig./day (current) vs. 0 VSCC OR 6.6 (3.5–12.3) Age, geographic location, no. of sexual partners
Smoking [36] Age started <17 (current) vs. none VSCC OR 6.8 (4.4–10.6) Age, geographic location, no. of sexual partners
Smoking [36] Age started ≥20 (current) vs. none VSCC OR 3.3 (2.0–5.5) Age, geographic location, no. of sexual partners
Smoking [68] Ever vs. never VC OR 1.1 (0.7–1.8) Age, EDU, BMI
Smoking [59] Ever vs. never VSCC OR 2.2 (1.3–3.7) Age, EDU, BMI, HPV 16 seropositivity
Smoking [59] Former vs. never VSCC OR 1.4 (0.7–2.8) Age, EDU, BMI, HPV 16 seropositivity
Smoking [59] Current vs. never VSCC OR 3.0 (1.7–5.3) Age, EDU, BMI, HPV 16 seropositivity
Smoking [61] Current vs. never VSCC OR 2.61 (1.53–4.46) Age, EDU, alcohol, marital status, anogenital warts
Smoking [33] Current vs. never VC RR 1.04 (0.87–1.26) Age, DEPRI, alcohol, BMI, D, age at M, parity, OC, HYST, CIN3
Smoking [30] Current vs. never VC HR 1.86 (1.21–2.87) Age, race, BMI, marital status, OC, menopausal hormone
HIV [80] Exposed vs. unexposed V/VC RR 19.5 (9.2–41.1) Age, year, race/ethnicity
HIV [44] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 69.2 (22.3–161.4) Age
HIV [50] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 9.35 (7.91–10.96) Age, year, race/ethnicity, registry
HIV [63] Cases vs. hospital controls VC OR 17.8 (6.3–50.1) Age, place of residence
HIV [66] Exposed vs. general Hispanic population VC SIR 9.03 (6.00–13.1) Age, year, registry
HIV-AIDS [51] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 13.3 (6.1–20.6) Age, year, race
AIDS [46] Exposed vs. general population V/VSCC RR 5.8 (3.0–10.2) Age, race
AIDS [83] Exposed vs. general population V/VC SIR 6.78 (4.02–11.45) Age
Dialysis [43] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 4.2 (0.4–11.9) Age
Dialysis/renal transplantation [82] Exposed vs. a population control cohort V/VC IRR 5.81 (3.36–10.1) Age, comorbidity
Renal transplantation [43] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 55.8 (35.8–83.0) Age
Renal transplantation [23] Exposed vs. general population V/VC SIR 31.0 (15.0–55.0) Age, period
Renal transplantation [84] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 24.7 (S) Age
Renal transplantation [86] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 5.5 (1.1–16.0) Age, year
Renal transplantation [73] Exposed vs. a cohort of unaffected controls VSCC HR 31.0 (13.3–72.0) Age, EDU, income
S-O transplantation [21] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 26.2 (12.0–49.8) Age, year
S-O transplantation [41] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 7.60 (5.77–9.83) Age, year, race/ethnicity, registry
S-O transplantation [60] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 7.3 (5.6–9.2) Age, year, race/ethnicity
Paediatric S-O transplantation [81] Exposed vs. general population V/VC SIR 665.0 (137.1–1934.4) Age, year
Paediatric S-O transplantation [88] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 17.4 (S) Age, year, race/ethnicity
Liver transplantation. [77] Exposed vs. general population VC SIR 23.80 (7.70–55.50) Age

AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; BMI = body mass index; C = cohort; CC = case-control; CIN = cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; D = diabetes; DEPRI = deprivation; EDU = education; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; HPV = human papillomavirus; HR = hazard ratio; HYST = hysterectomy; IRR = incidence rate ratio; M = menarche; MSP = mammography screening programme; NA = not applicable; NR = not reported; OC = oral contraceptive; OR = odds ratio; ref. = reference; RR = relative risk; S = significant; S-O = solid-organ; SIR = standardised incidence ratio; UK = United Kingdom; US = United States; V/VC = vulvar/vaginal cancer; V/VSCC = vulvar/vaginal squamous cell carcinoma; VC = vulvar cancer; vs. = versus; VSCC = vulvar squamous cell carcinoma. * In the case of international authorship, the country of the first author is indicated. † The best information made available in the article is indicated. In general, age refers to the age of cases at diagnosis in case-control studies and the age at entry into cohort studies. If possible, age is expressed in completed years.