Table 1.
Key concepts in plant cell polarity
Term | Description |
Cell polarity | Regulated asymmetric distribution of cellular components and structures along an axis |
Polarity field | Individual cell polarities coordinated across tissues and organs |
Polarity regulator | Contributes to polar domain formation and polar protein localization |
Polarity effector or client | Uses pre-existing polar domains for localization |
Axial polarity | Stable polarity axes aligned with the major body axes |
Localized growth polarity | Polarity axis that determines the direction of and sustains (out)growth in specific cell types |
Transient polarity | Transient polarity axis that determines morphological and/or fate asymmetry of cell division in specific cell types |
Symmetry-breaking | Stimuli-induced or spontaneous initial local asymmetry that orients the polarity axis and initiates the polarization program |
Reinforcement | Amplification of the initial asymmetry into stable polar domains via positive feedback and inhibitory mechanisms |
Implementation | Recruitment of effectors to polar domains that drive polarization of cellular components, processes, and functions |