The SL signaling pathway regulates cambium activity by inducing WOX4 accumulation at the transcriptional level. A, Representative cross sections showing the extension of lateral VC in the basal stems of Col-0, max2-1, and gWOX4-GFP/max2-1 plants. A segment of 8 mm at the base of the main stem was collected immediately above the shoot–hypocotyl junction and cut into four equal parts, marked as 0–2, 3–4, 5–6, and 7–8 mm. The red brackets indicate the measured areas. Bars represent 20 μm. B, Quantification of lateral VC extension in (A) by ImageJ. Data are means ± se. n > 300 for each sample were analyzed using ANOVA with post hoc Tukey’s test. Means with a P value ≤ 0.05 were considered statistically different among multiple comparisons. Distinct letters (a–c) indicate statistically significant difference among all samples. C, WOX4-GFP protein accumulation is induced by GR24 treatment. The gWOX4-GFP/Col-0 seedlings were grown for one week on 1/2 MS medium under mock treatment (–) or with 5 μM GR24 (+) as the long-term treatment. The short-term treatment was performed with either mock (–) or 5 μM GR24 treated for 1 h using the one-week-old gWOX4-GFP/Col-0 seedlings. D, WOX4-HA protein accumulation decreases in 35Spro:WOX4-HA/Col-0 seedlings after GR24 treatment. 35Spro:WOX4-HA/Col-0 seedlings were grown for 1 week on half-strength MS medium with mock (–) or with 5 μM GR24 (+) (long-term), or they were treated with either mock (–) or 5 μM GR24 for 1 h after growth on half-strength MS medium for 1 week.