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. 2022 Jan 6;12:775585. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.775585

Table 2.

Multiple logistic regression models with maximum likelihood-ratio comparisons.

High anxiety (GAD-7 ≥ 7) BIC Pseudo-R2 Δ% χ2-test
Null model +395.340
Covariates only +443.559 0.079 +7.95% p = 0.006*
Covariates + PSS +387.603 0.238 +15.81% p < 0.001*
Covariates + PSS + PRS +388.733 0.264 +2.61% p = 0.006*
Covariates + PSS + PRS + Cope +367.497§ 0.362 +9.80% p < 0.001*
High depression (PHQ-2 3)
Null model +193.355
Covariates only +229.013 0.232 +23.19% p < 0.001*
Covariates + PSS +225.951 0.278 +4.64% p = 0.003*
Covariates + PSS + PRS +232.716 0.303 +2.42% p = 0.103
Covariates + PSS + PRS + Cope +205.558§ 0.538 +23.51% p < 0.001*
Positive screening for OCD
Null model +233.488
Covariates only +294.631 0.079 +7.92% p = 0.205
Covariates + PSS +300.221 0.079 +0.03% p = 0.797
Covariates + PSS + PRS +307.186 0.099 +1.91% p = 0.114
Covariates + PSS + PRS + Cope +311.425§ 0.154 +5.59% p = 0.005*

Best models for BIC were marked in the BIC column.

BIC, Bayesian Information Criterion; Cope, Coping strategies (measured with NuPCI-PP, NuPCI-A, and NuPCI-SPC scales); GAD-7, General Anxiety Disorder – 7 questionnaire; NuPCI, Revised Prenatal Coping Inventory; NuPCI-A, NuPCI, Avoidance scale; NuPCI-PP, NuPCI, Planning-Preparation scale; NuPCI-SPC, NuPCI, Spiritual-Positive coping scale; NuPDQ, Revised Prenatal Distress Questionnaire; OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive problems (screening); PHQ-2, Patient Health Questionnaire – 2; PREPS, Pandemic-Related Pregnancy Stress questionnaire; PREPS-PIS, PREPS, Perinatal Infection Stress scale; PREPS-PS, PREPS, Preparedness Stress scale; PRS, Pandemic-Related Stress (measured with PREPS-PS and PREPS-PIS scales); Pseudo-R2, McFadden's pseudo coefficient of determination of the model; PSS, Pregnancy-Specific Stress (measured with the NuPDQ); Δ%, Increase in the percentage of variance explained (compared to the previous model).


p <0.050.


Best model (considering statistical significance and BIC).