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. 2021 Oct 4;47(1):38–47. doi: 10.1007/s00261-021-03281-8

Table 2.

Type and completeness or reporting

N = 712
Part 1
Q4 2011–Q1 2014
N = 191
Part 2
Q1 2014–Q1 2016
N = 334
Part 3
Q2 2016–Q2 2018
N = 187
p value
Type of reporting
Report Type Free text 77.8% (554) 97.9% (187) 67.1% (224) 76.5% (143) <0.001
Semi-structured 3.2% (23) 0.5% (1) 3.3% (11) 5.9% (11)
Structured (template) 19.0% (135) 1.6% (3) 29.6% (99) 17.6% (33)
Items included in report
1 Morphology Lesion type reported (polyp, semi-annular, annular) 66.6% (474) 51.8% (99) 67.4% (225) 80.2% (150) <0.001
Not reported 33.4% (238) 48.2% (92) 32.6% (109) 19.8% (37)
Tumor type reported (solid, mucinous) 6.6% (47) 2.1% (4) 8.4% (28) 8.0% (15) 0.013
Not reported 93.4% (665) 97.9% (187) 91.6% (306) 92.0% (172)
2 Tumor circumference Specified as from … to … o’clock 12.4% (88) 5.8% (11) 15.6% (52) 13.4% (25) <0.001
Only prose description (ventral/dorsal/lateral) 12.2% (87) 19.9% (38) 10.8% (36) 7.0% (13)
Not reported 75.4% (537) 74.3% (142) 73.7% (246) 79.7% (149)
3 Height Reported as measurement from ARJ/anal verge 92.6% (659) 88.5% (169) 92.8% (310) 96.3% (180) 0.018
Only prose description (low/mid/upper) 5.6% (40) 7.3% (14) 6.0% (20) 3.2% (6)
Not reported 1.8% (13) 4.2% (8) 1.2% (4) 0.5% (1)
4 Length Reported in cm/mm 90.3% (643) 87.4% (167) 91.0% (304) 92.0% (172) 0.274
Not reported 9.7% (69) 12.6% (24) 9.0% (30) 8.0% (15)
5 cT-stage Reported incl. substaging (incl. cT3abcd, cT4ab) 22.8% (162) 2.1% (4) 19.8% (66) 49.2% (92) <0.001
Reported without substaging (cT1234) 65.6% (467) 70.2% (134) 73.4% (245) 47.1% (88)
Not explicitly mentioned but can be derived from prose description* 10.3% (73) 25.1% (48) 5.7% (19) 3.2% (6)
Not reported 1.4% (10) 2.6% (5) 1.2% (4) 0.5% (1)
6 Anal sphincter involvement Reported 7.9% (56) 3.7% (7) 8.4% (28) 11.2% (21) 0.004
Not reported 92.1% (656) 96.3% (184) 91.6% (306) 88.7% (166)
 in low tumors 33.7% (240) 42.9% (82) 31.4% (105) 28.3% (53)
 in mid/high tumors (N/A) 58.4% (416) 53.4% (102) 60.2% (201) 60.4% (113)
7 MRF invasion Reported 81.4% (580) 73.3% (140) 82.9% (277) 87.2% (163) 0.032
Not reported 16.6% (118) 24.1% (46) 15.0% (50) 11.7% (22)
 in cT3-4 tumors# 8.6% (61) 11.0% (21) 7.5% (25) 8.0% (15)
 in cT1-2 tumors (N/A)# 7.4% (53) 12.6% (24) 6.9% (23) 3.2% (6)
Inconclusive** 2.0% (14) 2.6% (5) 2.1% (7) 1.1% (2)
8 Tumor-MRF margin Reported 59.7% (426) 48.7% (93) 65.6% (219) 61.0% (114) 0.004
Not reported 40.2% (286) 51.3% (98) 34.5% (115) 39.0% (73)
 in cT3-4 tumors# 28.2% (201) 36.1% (69) 22.2% (74) 31.0% (58)
 in cT1-2 tumors (N/A)# 11.4% (81) 14.7% (28) 11.7% (39) 7.5% (14)
9 cN-stage Reported incl. substaging (cN0/cN1abc/cN2ab) 1.3% (9) 0.5% (1) 2.4% (8) 0% (0) <0.001
Reported as cN0/N1/N2 74.2% (528) 58.1% (111) 74.6% (249) 89.8% (168)
Reported as cN-/N+ 6.3% (45) 1.6% (3) 10.8% (36) 3.2% (6)
Not explicitly mentioned but can be derived from prose description of number of suspicious nodes 11.1% (79) 19.4% (37) 9.0% (30) 6.4% (12)
Not reported 7.2% (51) 20.4% (39) 3.3% (11) 0.5% (1)
10 Number of N+ nodes (in cN+ cases) Reported 54.9% (391) 41.9% (80) 57.5% (192) 63.6% (119) 0.014
Not reported 12.9% (92) 15.7% (30) 13.5% (45) 9.1% (17)
11 Total number of nodes Reported 9.3% (66) 10.5% (20) 8.1% (27) 10.2% (19) 0.588
Not reported 90.7% (646) 89.5% (171) 91.9% (307) 89.8% (168)
12 Extramesorectal (lateral) nodes Reported 52.2% (372) 27.7% (53) 63.5% (212) 57.2% (107) <0.001
Not reported 47.8% (340) 72.3% (138) 36.6% (122) 42.8% (80)
 in cN+ cases# 27.7% (197) 39.3% (75) 21.0% (70) 27.8% (52)
 in cN- cases (N/A)# 14.5% (103) 15.7% (30) 13.5% (45) 15.0% (28)
13 Tumor deposits Reported 1.3% (9) 0.5% (1) 1.5% (5) 1.6% (3) 0.561
Not reported 98.7% (703) 99.5% (190) 98.5% (329) 98.4% (184)
14 EMVI Reported 28.0% (200) 4.7% (9) 36.2% (121) 37.4% (70) <0.001
Not reported 72.0% (512) 95.3% (182) 63.8% (213) 62.5% (117)
 in cT3-4 tumors# 54.4% (387) 72.8% (139) 46.4% (155) 49.7% (93)
 in T1-2 tumors (N/A)# 16.3% (116) 19.9% (38) 16.5% (55) 12.3% (23)

*Examples of prose descriptions from which cT-stage could be derived: “Tumor limited to bowel wall,” “Tumor extending into perirectal fat,” “Tumor growing into peritoneum,” etc

**MRF invasion was categorized as inconclusive in case of unclear descriptions such as “close margin”

#In some cases, sub-categorization was not feasible not feasible due to missing information on cT-stage or cN-stage, respectively.